𝟭𝟬. apologies on apologies

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CHAPTER TEN⤷ apologizes on apologizes

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apologizes on apologizes

IT felt like everything that could go wrong, went wrong for Jackie. Brooke couldn't stand to look her way and she didn't want to be in the presence of Lucas. Jackie hated how she genuinely thought she was doing the right thing but that 'right thing' came back to bite her right in the ass, stealing away a potential friendship and relationship. She walked alone through the front of the school, avoiding eye contact with Brooke but that didn't stop her from feeling the daggers that Brooke sent.

"Is it just me or is Peyton spending a lot of time with Jake?" Nick observed, walking up from behind, meeting his best friend's pace, "Every time I look up they're talking to each other,  she's all smiles and giggles."

"Probably because she babysits his child," Peyton cut her eyes at him, keeping her tone seemed dismissive.

Nick rose his hands in a surrendering manner, "Okay, back up, what's up with the attitude, for the third time?" His voice was laced with a hint of annoyance that Jackie instantly noticed, "Maybe if you'd stop playing the mistress role and get over the guy, you'll be a lot happier." She stopped in her tracks, making Nick turn around to her, "Jackie, c'mon it was a joke."

"Yeah, behind these 'jokes' of yours, there's some truth behind it," Jackie pointed out.

Nick shoved his hands in his pockets, "It's just that you're always in a bad mood over this guy every time I see you, it's starting to get a little draining. I mean, all we ever do anymore is sulk in your room."

"Oh! I'm sorry that my life isn't exactly smooth sailing like yours," Jackie jumped into defense, "If my problems are too much for you to bear, nobody is forcing you to be around me. You're more than welcome to leave." Jackie glared at him as she walked away, bumping into him as she walked by. She and Nick hardly ever got into arguments. Her emotions were starting to spiral out of control. She was angry, irritable, and just overwhelmed overall.

Jackie was grateful that the school day seemed to fly by. She didn't waste any time leaving her last class and sped walked out of the building. On her way to her car, Brooke bumped into her causing her to drop her books onto the ground, "That's mature, Brooke." She commented, picking up her items, "You know, you're going to have to talk to me sooner or later."

"Why don't I just smile at you, you know, Jackie style, pretend everything's okay and lie to your face? Then, I'll go ahead a confide your best friend and tell her how I'm so in love with her friend's boyfriend but I just can't seem to get her out of the picture," Brooke took a dig at her.

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