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It was past midnight.

The corridors and hallways were dark, slightly illuminated by the little golden lights pitched against the walls at long intervals, making the portraits and pictures shine in their wan glow. The walls and balconies bathed in the rich moonlight, lashing in the regions without any restrictions. Silence had spread her gentle hands over the region, as it was lost in deep slumber. Not a being was in sight, no sound was heard, except the low chirping of the cricket and the ticking of the grand old clock downstairs. It was only silence, sombre gloom and...lone.

A figure walked down the corridor, languidly, in an indolent manner. It's footfalls echoed softly in the surrounding, adding a little more sound to the otherwise gloomy ambience. The figure walked on, in a pensive mood, until it reached a room. It quietly went in and locked the door behind him.

Hyunjin didn't care to switch on the lights of his room, as he went to his bed and sat at the edge. His mind felt void, as he threw his worn out body on his bed and closed his eyes. He couldn't think what to do next, when he got up once more and looked around. Soon, his eyes fell on his bedside drawer, especially the last chamber.

Hyunjin got up and crouched down on the floor and pulled that chamber by its handle. Inside it, there was only a big wooden brown box. He slowly took it out. Hyunjin couldn't help but smile as he opened the box, with utmost care.

Inside it, were all his relics of his merry boyhood and high school days. Little bits of toys, a small hand made teddy bear, a broken camera, small  and big pieces of paper bearing the artworks and scribbles of a little kid, nursery rhymes written on some. Broken crayons, used brushes, dry paint, colored papers small pencils littered the box. Hyunjin let his fingers stray through those treasures, his smiles knowing no bounds. Suddenly, he came across a small yellow envelop, which was nestled amidst all other stuffs. He quickly pulled it out and looked into it. He was amazed. It had all the pictures from his elementary school and high school days. Oh God! How he missed his friends and their never ending banters and utter nonsense. Hyunjin smiled from ear to ear as he saw all the bright, stupid faces of his long lost batchmates, until, he saw someone familiar.

Pictures of...Felix...taken by him.

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