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   Team seven was currently battling Kaguya Otsusuki, as we all know, the mother of chakra and she had incredibly strong genjutsu which made fighting her alot difficult.
She suddenly created a portal and Naruto was about to fall into it. Kakashi immediately leapt forward trying to push Naruto away, but he was unlucky as she created another one right behind Kakashi and he wasn't fast enough to regain balance and he fell in.

     Kakashi slowly opened his eyes to meet an unfamiliar surrounding. He got up and looked around a bit. He realized he was in a big city with millions of people walking up and down and weird moving things driving on the streets. Kakashi scratched the back of his head in confusion. "Where the hell am I?" He asked himself. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see a guy in a white suit and dark shades looking at him.
   "Hey, are you lost?" The man asked bluntly. Kakashi gave him a weird eye smile and said
   "Well yeah, would you mind telling me where this place is?" The guy looked shocked for a second but then replied "You are in Tokyo, Japan". Kakashi was shocked.
  "Man how the hell did I get here?" He exclaimed with a hint of frustration, and the guy cocked an eyebrow.
   "What do you mean?" Kakashi explained to the guy what happened. He seemed to be processing what the jounin said.
   "What's your name sir?"
   "Oh, Kakashi Hatake."
   "The name's Nanami, now come with me. I may know what's going on." Kakashi hesitated to. He's just a random stranger, but he later followed since he had no idea of where he was and this man is if much help to him. And plus he told him his name which reduces the chances of him being a threat.

     They reached a forest and Nanami turned to him and told him to wait right there. Kakashi was confused but complied. Even if anything happens he can easily take them out so nothing much to worry about. He sat on the grass and waited for the guy. Wierd, but he still complied. What can you say, he had no choice.
   (Sorry about this, I can't exactly remember how Nanami behaves so please don't be mad.)
    Ja Ne!! じゃね!

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