How Disturbing

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    "So you mean to say that a random guy just suddenly appears from nowhere and claims that he's not from this world?!" Said a dark brown haired man with dark shades.
    "This is just so fishy that it's sickening. Those curses must be up to something again, they must have brought him to cause more chaos, no doubt, what if he's a curse himself?!" Said a random person that is probably one of the higher ups.
    "He's definitely not a curse. I didn't sense anything from him and from his body language, he seems very confused and he really had no idea of where he was." Nanami replied.
    "What do you think?" Asked the extra motioning to a white haired male in a blindfold.
    "Hmm? Oh, I'd like to meet this guy. Seeing is believing as they say." He chucked and everyone just gave him an 'are you serious look' before finally taking what the white haired man said into consideration.
    "Bring him here." Said the brown haired man as Nanami left to go fetch the said jounin.

     💥💥Time skip💥💥

   "Huh? What is this place?" Asked Kakashi wondering where he was.
   "You'll see" was all Nanami said as he lead Kakashi to his destination.
   "Here he is." He stepped back and let the people in the room have a better view of the jounin.
    "Good, now sir, what exactly is your name?"
    "......Kakashi Hatake, sir."
    "How did you claim that you got here?"
   Kakashi let out a deep sigh as he didn't want to start explaining the whole confusing event again, but went ahead and explained everything that happened.
    "And how can we believe you?" Asked the brown haired man.
   "Huh?" Kakashi breathed out confused by the question he was asked.
   "Yes, who knows, you might be sent by someone or to be specific, some people. So how exactly can we trust your words?" The nan asked in a kind of shady manner.
    Kakashi was getting angry and fed up already. He just wanted to go back home and help his students to seal Kaguya away.
    "What else do you want from me? I have answered your questions and now it's only up to you to believe me." Kakashi replied with a slight anger in his voice.
    "Calm down, we're not going to do anything to you... at least not yet. But we can't just let you walk aroung freely, there's high suspicion against you so we're going to have to keep an eye on you. So I'm going to make  you do one thing."
    "Which is?"
   "You'll have to work with this man here. Do anything suspicious and we woun't waste time to kill you. Do you understand?"

   Kakashi looked over to the person he was referring to and saw a guy with white hair and a blindfold with a stupid smile on his face, which made Kakashi groan mentally. 'This shouldn't be so bad, I might even learn some things about this world and find a way to get back home soon.' He thought, then smirked at this, but it wasn't seen tho, the room was dark with only candles lighting it plus he was wearing a mask.

   How bad could it be?


   Arigato, jaa ne! ありがと、じゃあ ね!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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