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Title : Velocity

Chapter One

Jack Thompson always considered himself an average guy. He had an average build, average looks, and an average job as a delivery driver in a small town. His life was simple, routine, and predictable. That is until the day he was struck by lightning.

It happened on a hot summer afternoon while Jack was making a delivery to a house on the outskirts of town. As he was walking up the driveway, he felt a sudden jolt of electricity coursing through his body. The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground, dazed and confused.

For a moment, Jack thought he might have been electrocuted, but he quickly realized that he felt fine. In fact, he felt better than fine. He felt...different. He got up slowly, brushing off the dust from his clothes. It was then that he noticed something strange.

Everything around him seemed to be moving in slow motion. The leaves on the trees were fluttering at a fraction of their usual speed, the cars on the road were crawling along, and the birds in the sky seemed to be suspended in mid-air. Jack rubbed his eyes, thinking that maybe he was still disoriented from the shock. But when he opened them again, everything was still moving in slow motion.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to try running. He took a few steps forward, and suddenly, everything around him blurred. He felt a rush of air on his face, and before he knew it, he was at the end of the driveway. He had covered a distance of about 100 yards in a matter of seconds.

Jack was stunned. He had never been a fast runner, but now he felt like he could outrun the world. He tried it again, this time pushing himself harder. He sprinted down the road, and everything became a blur once more. He could feel the wind in his hair, the pavement beneath his feet, and the adrenaline pumping through his veins. It was the most exhilarating feeling he had ever experienced.

When he finally slowed down and returned to normal speed, he realized that he was now a block away from where he had started. He had never run that far in his life, let alone in a matter of seconds. Jack was amazed. He didn't know how or why it had happened, but he had just discovered he had superspeed.

Jack spent the rest of the day experimenting with his newfound power, testing the limits of his speed and agility. He ran up walls, jumped over buildings, and even ran across water. He was like a kid in a candy store, thrilled by the endless possibilities that his powers opened up to him.

But as the sun began to set and the sky turned orange and pink, Jack realized that he had to keep his powers a secret. He couldn't let anyone know what he was capable of, not even his closest friends or family. He knew that if people found out, he would become a target, a freak show, or worse, a lab rat.

So, Jack made a decision. He would keep his powers hidden and use them only when necessary. He would become a superhero, protecting his community from danger and crime, but doing so in secret. He would become Velocity.

Chapter Two

The next morning, Jack woke up feeling different. He had slept soundly, but his mind was buzzing with excitement. He had discovered a new part of himself, a new aspect of his personality that he had never known before. He felt like he had been reborn.

Jack got up, dressed quickly, and headed out to his van. He had a delivery to make on the other side of town, and he was eager to test out his speed on the job. As he got behind the wheel, he felt a familiar tingle in his fingers, a sign that his powers were still with him. He smiled to himself, knowing that he had a secret that nobody else knew.

The delivery was routine, but Jack made a point of using his speed whenever he could. He took shortcuts through alleys, jumped over fences, and dodged through traffic like a pro. He finished the delivery in record time, impressing his boss and the customer alike.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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