The Days Before

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2 rotations into the fighting, the 87th Sentinel Infantry Corps are defending from a full-blown invasion of Naboo from the Separatists, they are hard-set on taking Theed as a vantage point and step-1 in their goal to overpower the Republic forces and take the planet. Two regiments, The 4th regiment & 8th regiment, are defending the outer-city, holed up inside of buildings that are crumbling around them. The streets are littered with the lost souls of their brothers and piles of metal that dared to get any closer. They were at a stand-still and Separatist reinforcements were approaching fast. They had to hope they bought enough time for the other squads to get every civilian out of the city in time but with how massive Theed was there is no telling if everyone got out safely. A mortar strike hits the building next to them, shaking the entire apartment complex as the upper-level crumbles above them. The loud sound of metallic footsteps are heard approaching from below

A heavy-gunnery clone, CT-8493; Jekk, cries out in rage as he throws an EMP grenade down the stairwell, hoping to destroy, or at least stun, the droid squadron marching up the stairs. "Take this! You bloody Clankers!" The EMP explodes, sending a bright, blue light up the stairwell lighting the entire building up. The sound of metal hitting the ground signals that at least some of the droids have been disabled."Now! Go, Go, Go!" A clone officer, CT-4762; Redd, shouts to signify the retreat. They begin to charge down the stairs, another mortar hits the building and causes a large chunk of the roof to fall, taking part of the front down with it. They rush down the steps, firing unemotionally and with precision at any droid who may not have been destroyed from the rubble or grenades.With the droid reinforcements on full approach, the droids were desperate for the city, and it was made obvious by the amount of B2-Supers and MTTs they were deploying. Right before they completely escaped the complex, they were stopped in the lobby. A platoon of droids were waiting for them and they had no other option but to take cover and fight it out. Shots were exchanged by each faction, luckily for the Republic, the droids had no concept of mortality and made no effort to take cover which allowed for the clones to quite easily destroy the platoon as they would funnel themselves into the small lobby and stand there carelessly to get turned into the next pile of scrap.After clearing the B1s out, they made haste to escape but unexpectedly got stopped by one of their brothers calling out for help."H-he's got me! Someone shoot him! Get him off of me!" The young shiny frantically yelled. The group turned around and saw it. The fabled Commando Droid. It had the clone by the neck."Stone!" One of the other shinnies yelled as the others continued on their retreat "We have to help him!"Redd stopped and instructed the others to go on"We need to retreat, now! We have to leave him! We can't risk losing any more men to help him!""No! We have to help him, its a single Commando! We can easily scrap it!"A rocket lands near them, knocking the shiny onto the ground and stumbling Redd"Soldier, it is a direct order to retreat! We cannot go after him!"The shiny turned back, ignoring his C.O. and running back towards the, now collapsing, complex"Stone! I'm coming! Don't panic!""Soldier!-"Redd yelled before being cut off by the large arch above him collapsing, cutting off all contact with the two clones, trapping them inside the complex and leaving them to the fate of the droids.Collecting himself, Redd hurried in pursuit of the others who have fallen-back into the inner-city. 

The defense in the inner-city would put the separatists MTTs at a full stop of they dared to push further in thanks to Jekks heavy-defense regiment being supplied with heavy mounted turrets, RPGs and multiple crates of ammunition. If the separatists broke through their defense here, Theed would have fallen. The reinforcements they desperately need are unable to arrive, the separatists blockade had a tight grip around Naboo not allowing ANYTHING to enter except separatists shits with the clearance codes. A large explosion rocked the palace, droids began to swarm the courtyards. Jekk spins up his rotary canon and laughs, beginning to fire into the large, endless crowd of B1 & B2 droids. "Hahahahah! Get some you scrap piles!" The battle has changed from Urban, building-to-building fighting to a single defensive point. The clones were outnumbered 1-50, their regiments starting with 60 clones each they have been whittled down to 13 total. "Wheres a Jedi when you need one?!" A clone shouts while proving suppressing fire An ARC-170 fighter crashes down in the courtyard, shot down by a Vulture Droid, taking out a large group of droids. "Where else would they be?! They're getting the glory somewhere else and leaving the hard work to us!" Another one shouts Redd steps up behind a trooper with an RPG and points to a large, towering building to the left. "There soldier, the base, hit the foundation and it will collapse the building!" Right before the clone could fire a sniper shot. They all heard it and watched as Jekk went down. "No!" shouted Redd, dodging sniper shots as he rushed over to grab Jekk and pull him into cover. He was wounded, badly, and the bacta supply was low. "Get the bloody sniper!" Redd barked, as the remaining clones focused up to try to spot where the shot was coming from. "You'll be alright brother! Stay with me! Stay in the fight!" He frantically slid Jekks helmet off. The clone was barely concious. "Get me some bacta, now!" A clone rushed over with a half-empty shot of batca. "Stay with me, Stay with me!" Another sniper shot went off, just missing one of the clones on a mounted blaster. Redd injected Jekk and used his last bandages to wrap up his chest. A deafening explosion was heard. The droid MTT fired all four of its cannons at once. A large part of the palace collapsed next to them, the rubble taking out one of their ammunition depots. "Now soldier, Now! Shoot the building! We need it to crush that MTT and cut them off!" Jekk looked up and coughed, everything looked like it was in slow motion. He tried to stand but instantly got rocked back onto the ground by the shockwave of the building collapsing onto the MTT which caused a massive explosion that almost wiped out the entire army that was in the courtyard. A few hundred remained but would quickly be wiped out by the two clones with the mounted blasters. Redd rushed over to Jekk, dragging him inside. "You'll be fine, brother, you need to stay down and rest!" Jekk wheezed and grabbed Redds arm and spoke "Redd-" He was interrupted by a wheezing fit "G-get to the outskirts.. You need to set up a p-perimeter. Stop them.. from reaching the outpost.." he coughed again "I'll be fine here... these four men are the best soldiers I've had the honor of fighting with..." "J-Jekk.. brother, what if they push another assault?! You won't be able to handle any more droids with just four men and dwindling supplies!" Jekk chuckled and waved his hand at Redd "If the time comes... I'll send an S.O.S. chatter requesting any nearby platoons to link up and defend... Just go, I'll be fine here!" One of the men from Jekks regiment hurries in "Sirs, the sniper has been eliminated! It is safe for you to leave now." Redd looked back down at Jekk "Jekk..." "Go, brother," Jekk was interrupted by another coughing fit "Defend the outpost! Do not let it fall!" "Stay safe, Jekk." Redd nodded at him, handing him one of his DC-17 Blaster Pistols so he could defend himself if the time came. Redd stepped outside, "Alright, you remaining 8 in my squad, form up! We leave for the outskirts, now! We mustn't let the clankers reach the outpost out there or the perimeter!"

"Sir, yes Sir!"they shouted in unison as they marched out towards the outskirts & outpost, leaving Jekk and this remaining regiment to defend the palace.

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