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"You know, you really lucked out, Chicago," Daisy said into the microphone, making the crowd swell. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage my sister and my best friend Simone Jackson!"

There was an applause and the crowd cheered as Simone made her way onto the stage. Warren played a dramatic riff on his drums and then Kathryn strummed the first chords to The River. 

Daisy and Simone harmonised together, music to everyone's ears. Kathryn couldn't help but smile, watching the pair of them, Daisy's arm wrapped around Simone's shoulders as they sang the chorus.

Kathryn Summers: God, I still remember this night so vividly... it gives me chills.
Haunts me in a way. It was such an emotionally draining night for all of us.
Karen and Graham were fighting, Billy was on the verge of losing Camila, Daisy was in love with a man she could never have, Warren was worried for the rest of us and Eddie and I were leaving.

Interviewer: Did it affect the performance?

Kathryn Summers: [Laughs] The crowd didn't even notice. It's crazy, really. It's almost chilling how the crowd will just continue cheering no matter what, desperate for the attention of their idol. Even if it did affect the performance, the crowd, the fans, they didn't care. They were just happy to be there.

"So, we have to go soon, but we can't leave without paying some dues," Billy said. "I'm gonna need your help. You with me?!" He yelled and the crowd cheered loudly.

"On drums, a man who keeps time like a Rolex and who cuts grooves like a knife. It's Mr. Warren Rojas!" Billy yelled, pointing over to Warren before the curly haired boy smashed his sticks against his drums.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Billy said, looking at Eddie before walking closer to Karen. "The classiest, coolest cucumber ever to play keys. It's Ms. Karen Sirko!" The crowd cheered while Karen's fingers worked her keyboard with a grin on her face.

"Up next, as good a man as you'll... you'll ever meet. But sometimes I forget how lucky I am that he's my brother. It's Graham Dunne, everyone!" Billy said, walking past Eddie and over to Graham. Graham smiled while the crowd applauded for him as he played his riff.

"Sometimes an angel, sometimes a hell raiser, but always a strong woman," Billy said, walking over to Kathryn, she smiled, tears brewing behind her eyes. "The baby of the group, everyone give it up for our rhythmic guitarist, Kathryn Summers!" Kathryn strummed happily against her guitar, smiling bright at the crowd as they cheered for her.

"On bass... Well, that's Eddie Roundtree," Billy said. Kathryn glanced over at him, meeting Billy's eyes she shot him a deathly glare. "All right, wait, wait, wait. Let's try... Let's try that again, shall we? The master of the low-end hammer, the man, the face who keeps pace on the bass, the groove layer, the four-string slayer. It's Eddie Demetrius Roundtree!" Billy pulled Eddie in for a hug and Kathryn knew it meant nothing but trouble.

"And finally, well, do I even need to say it?" Billy said, making his way towards Daisy.

The crowd swelled as Daisy said, "well, I want to hear you say it."

"It's Daisy Jones, everyone," Billy said.

"Billy Dunne, everybody," Daisy replied, before they began playing Aurora.

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