𝟎𝟔𝟒, level one hundred!

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The ride to the hilltop wasn't comfortable. the bumps in the road and the vibrations of the motorbike made all of estella's bones feel like they were rattling inside of her. like they were all snapping and turning in ways they shouldn't have been turning. she literally felt like a skeleton with brittle bones. it was horrible. every single turn and halt felt like it was breaking a different body part. if she had a choice, she'd rather walk all the way to the hilltop.

by the end of it, she was basically shrivelled up into a ball on the front of the motorbike, her body threatening to make her pass out at any given moment. again. she was tired of passing out, it kept happening to her, but it never made her feel any less tired. she was exhausted. no food in her system, no water, no actual sleep. it was a lot for an eight year old to handle.

jesus was in front, with liv on the back of his bike. estella hoped that the hilltop would take her in with open arms. maybe it would not be as easy as estella thought it to be, with liv originally being with negan - but she had proved that she was trustworthy. she didn't have to help daryl and estella, but she did. it wasn't like she was a saviour and murdered people. she didn't. she just lived there just like people lived in alexandria and the hilltop.

and if there was one thing estella couldn't be bothered with, was gregory. she did not want to deal with gregory. he was completely unbearable and acted like a literal three year old. judith was probably more mature than gregory was. put judith in charge of the hilltop and she would make a better leader than him. she hated him more than she had ever hated anybody, (besides negan and all of his buddies that hurt her and daryl.) she couldn't stand him.

estella got off the motorbike when it stopped. jesus helped her balance herself as she toppled over the second she got off. it was a little embarrassing, but she couldn't help it. nothing could be more embarrassing than the time she pissed herself, though. every waking moment she had to think, she would think about it. why did megan have to point it out?

cal was on the gates and opened them as jesus walked them through. the walk wasn't the easiest due to the pain she was in, but she knew it would be worth it to finally sit down and sleep in an actual bed. she couldn't wait. she would be able to eat some food, drink some water and feel back to herself again. well — as much of herself she could feel without glenn, maggie, and abraham.

"we'll have to get doctor carson to take a look at you both. you're pretty beaten up." jesus said to her and daryl.

"i think i just need a years worth of sleep." estella replied.

"you and me both." daryl muttered.

estella looked in front of her, and her jaw dropped open in complete shock. there was no way. there was no way she was actually stood there. in the flesh. living. smiling. that beautiful smile she always wore, standing less than twenty feet away. she felt like a thousand pounds of weight was lifted off her shoulders at the sight of her. she had never been so happy in her entire life.

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