The beginning

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« Mitch's POV » at Mitch's apartment

The heat was suffocating. All i could think about was seeing Stanley tonight. Poker night with the boys — he's the only boy for me.

I look in the mirror, its like my knob nose was screaming at me. I hope Stanley doesn't hate it as much as i do, he is perfect in every way. His broad toned figure that elegantly towers over god he's gorgeous.

Ive been thinking about this night for weeks. Ever since our close call at the bowling alley, when he had bent over to pick up the bowling ball, and his voluptuous cheeks had grazed my aching sensitive area — my desire has swelled beyond containment. His wife, Stella, had noticed the way my cheeks flushed, and how swiftly Stanley had removed himself from the compromising position. She was weary.

I finish polishing myself up, then make my way to say goodbye to my deathly ill mother — she doesn't have long left, it is devastating. The only thing keeping me going sometimes is the thought of a future with Stanley. I know nothing can happen between us, his wife is 7 months pregnant. It breaks my fragile heart. Still, the thought and hope is enough to sustain me, though i crave to have him inside me on lonely nights in New Orleans.

« Stanley's POV » at the Kowalski household (Elysian Fields)

I liberally sprayed my sandalwood cologne onto my firm bronzed chest. Secretly i hoped Mitch would notice, maybe he would lean in if he got a whiff of the sweet aroma emanating from my hot moist body. I never realised how i felt about Mitch, my oldest friend, until that pivotal moment in the bowling alley — i find it hard to even admit to myself. What would Stella think? And the baby? My mind was rambling, it needed to stop. I slicked back my hair and replaced my damp undershirt with a gaudy silk button down. I was dressing to impress — only it was not Stella i was trying to impress...

Suddenly, the sharp ding of the doorbell ripped me from my guilty desires.

It was time.

« Mitch's POV » arriving at the Kowalski's

My heart rate increased rapidly as i heard someone come to answer the door, it could be him. To my dismay his pregnant wife opened the door, i couldn't help but envy her...she made my blood curdle.

'He is mine.' I muttered aggressively under my breath. She didn't hear me.

It took all i had not to shove her in the stomach as i forcefully made my way past her, i gave no response to her warm smile and friendly welcome.

Then he appeared. He was there! And i was the first here. It was just us now. Stella had left to make us refreshments in the kitchen, where she — and all women — belong.

''h,h,hi Stanley...' , my rural accent escaping in my breathy words. He swivelled on his heels and faced me. A warm but nervous smile spread across his chiselled face.

'Hello Mitch', his masculinity radiating in every syllable. He was irresistible. Was it hot in here?

« Stanley's POV »

His gaze pierced through my ocean blue orbs.

His perspiration was already leaking through his striped collared shirt. My favourite shirt of his —Clinging to his meaty 206lbs. He was solid, that's for sure.

'You wanna beer?' I asked him tentatively.

'Sure, uh, thanks', he seemed awkward.

'STELLAAAAAAAA!!!!! Baby, get Mitch here a' She did as she was told.

'Thanks', he hissed. His hostility was painfully arousing. I made a conscious effort to flex the muscles in my upper body, the last thing i needed was for everyone to know the physical effects Mitch seemed to have on me.

« Mitch's POV »

I was lost for words at his fucking delectable peck muscles, they seemed to be pulsating up and down, i almost felt the blood descend in my body and fill my manhood. I HAD to keep control of myself, especially if Stella was around. That snakey bitchy no good mop stick.

Just as i was about to attempt to break the silence, the doorbell rang a second time. Pablo and Steve shamelessly waltzed in to the sultry apartment. Stella made herself scarce and went upstairs to accompany Eunice for the evening. Finally that bitch was gone, Stanley was all mine.

We sat down at the table — the game began.







Hi guys!!!!!!! Hope you like this chapter so far, i am lovingggggggg it! Sorry cant update for a week or so as my aunties best friends brothers dog has just been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. :((((((

Ill do my best to update, pls let me know what you guysssss think, i am new to this! <3333333

Lots of love,


Blanche DuBois

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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