Chapter Two

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"How are you feeling?" Sitting beside him, Yoongi placed a cup of cocoa in Jimin's chilled hands before placing the blanket that had been slung over his shoulder over his own with a soft pat to his head. When Jimin didn't answer, he let out a heavy sigh. "Namjoon is resting, Jungkook is tending to him as best as he can. You should try to get some rest too. You haven't slept since we got here."

Like Jimin was going to be able to sleep. There were too many things floating around his mind. Too many worries. The most ironic part about all of this though was that they had always teased Jungkook about how now that he was a nurse they would use his skills for all of their aches and pains, but never in Jimin's wildest fantasies could he have conjured this. When he had made all of those jokes over the last year it had always been in good fun over him getting a paper cut or having a migraine. Never this.

Shaking his head, Jimin looked into his cocoa with a frown. It had been hours since they had dragged an unconscious Namjoon to Jimin's apartment in order to go through the change in peace and out of the open. "I don't know." A lot was going through his mind, his emotions in complete turmoil as he not only had to deal with his own, but Namjoon's as well. "A little numb."

"We should have been there with you tonight," Yoongi murmured, and Jimin turned towards him with a raised brow.


Holding out his hand to silence him, Yoongi continued. "We should have been there. We're a pack. It was the full moon. You shouldn't have been alone and now..." His eyes zeroed in on the obvious mark on Jimin's neck like a brand as if it pained him. "I'm sorry."

Hand coming up, Jimin covered the mark instinctively. Normally, under any other situation, he would have been proud to show it off. Having a mate was something special, because unlike humans, for werewolves it was permanent. There was no going back. Their bodies would never allow them to move on from the person that they mated themselves to and would not be able to move on even after death. It was sacred. Something that was special. And it was completely taboo to ever force a mark on someone or to ever give someone it by accident. Like tonight. It had been a mistake, and Jimin should have known what Namjoon was doing. But he hadn't been thinking and Namjoon had reacted due to the chemicals of the new bite and the change and bit him back.

It was permanent now.

There was no going back from this.

Jimin was mated to not only a stranger, but a newly turned werewolf at that.

"I should have known better, hyung." His voice cracked as he spoke. "I should have bit over where the other wolf had bitten him. I wasn't thinking though. I just didn't want to cause him any more pain. He was hurting so bad, hyung. There was blood everywhere. I-"

Body falling into sobs, Jimin curled into himself and dropped the mug of cocoa onto the floor. It shattered all over the rug beneath the couch and within seconds the older alpha was wrapping himself around him in a bone crushing hug. His crying must have trailed down the hall because soon footsteps started to approach and he was being crushed from all sides.

"Oh Mini." It was Taehyung; the larger alpha cradled his head so that he could lay the top of his own on top of his as he pressed completely against him.

"I'll clean this up." Hoseok gave his knee a light squeeze before heading out towards the kitchen so that he could try to salvage Jimin's rug, but right now that was the least of his problems. A stain wasn't going to ruin his night like it normally would.

"What am I going to do?" He started to pull at his own hair and carefully Yoongi pulled his fingers away so that he didn't rip out the strands.

"You're going to make the most of this, is what you're going to do." He said this softly but with conviction. As if he knew that everything was going to be okay and Jimin desperately wanted to feel that as well.

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