𝟎𝟔𝟕, disney movie!

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In the morning, the king gave everybody a tour around the kingdom. there were people jogging, doing anything they could. it just looked so fun. she was enjoying seeing all of the people and what they did. the way different people started their days. the way they all had friends, like a great big family, just like alexandria.

it looked like it was straight from a fairytale, like something you would only imagine in books. a king with a tiger, guards with beautiful blonde horses. people running around care free, no thoughts about the monsters outside the gates. it was just beautiful in a way that no place was anymore.

ezekiel stood in front of some kids with arrows, aiming them into targets. everyone stopped, looking at what they were doing as ezekiel spread his arms out proudly of what he had created.

"this is life here, every day. but it came at a cost. and i wanted more of this. i wanted to expand. to create more places like this. men and women lost their limbs. children lost their parents, because i sent them into battle against the wasted when i did not need to." ezekiel said.

"this is different." rick replied.

"it isn't." ezekiel said back.

"it is. the dead don't rule us. the world doesn't look like this outside your walls. people don't have it as good. some people don't have it good at all." rick said.

"i have to worry about my people." ezekiel answered.

"you call yourself a damn king." daryl spat. "you sure as hell don't act like one."

"all of this... came at a cost. it was lives, arms, legs. the peace we have with the saviours is uneasy, but it is peace. i have to hold on to it. i have to try. although the kingdom cannot grant you the aid you desire, the king is sympathetic to your plight. i offer our friends, daryl, estella, and liv asylum for however long they require it. they will be safe here. the saviours do not step foot inside our walls." ezekiel said.

"how long do ya think that's gon' last?" daryl questioned.

daryl walked away, so estella followed him. when the entire group walked away, liv decided to follow them, too. estella was really hoping that the king was better. she had faith in him, but there was no wonder he didn't want to get involved.

when they began walking to the gate, estella looked at all the people around her. they were all living in peace, and it's what she wanted, too. they didn't worry that rick and the others were bad. that's because they'd never had come in contact with bad. that, she could only wish.

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