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*beep* *beep* *beep*
Alex sank her head into a pillow even more than it was, as she felt towards the side of her reflective glass set of drawers to try and find her alarm clock. She removed the gorgeous Champagne-coloured bedsheet away from her eyesight. Alex's phone buzzed as she sat up and swung her legs to the side of her mattress. She turned on her mobile to receive a message from Bradley Jackson. Alex let out a sigh. "What does Bradley want now" she huffed. Confused, she opened the message. It read, "Morning Alex, meet me in my dressing room as soon as you are available I have a surprise for you". Alex gently put her phone down and rubbed her eyes. "Best start getting ready", she mumbled.

Alex smiled stiffly at co-workers she passed as she walked down the corridor to Bradley's dressing room, painfully conscious of how loud her heels were on the polished floors.

Alex knocked tentatively...
"Come in" Bradley shouted.
Alex opened the door to find Bradley standing there in a laced dark red and black dress wearing these red jimmy choo shoes that Alex bought her on the way to TMS one day. "Nice shoes" Alex joked knowing full well she bought them herself. "Anyways I got your message, what is it that you want to 'surprise' me with". "Well", Bradley mumbled. "I have booked a plane flight, just me and you to Hawaii if that is alright "Yes that's alright with me," Alex added. Bradley blushed as her co-anchor left the room and lightly shut the door.

*knock* *knock*
Alex sighed, "who is it?"
"It's only your hair and makeup" they laughed.
Alex opened the door as they ran in and started to unpack. "You on in 1 hour," they said whilst dabbing on Alex's concealer.

One hour later...

On in 5...4...3...2...1

Good morning, welcome back and thank you for joining us, While we are still reeling from the shock of last week. They carry on waffling about the news.

*cut* "And where done see you back after the holidays"

"Are you free tonight, for dinner?" Bradley asks whilst walking into the elevator. "Yes, I am what time?"Alex replied. "Mabe 6?", Bradley smiled, whilst looking into the older woman's luscious iridescent sapphire eyes. "6 then" Alex smiled back.
They both walked towards the gorgeous black limousine that is covered with a white silk ribbon.
They both got driven to their apartments and they started to get ready for dinner.

Alex sighed as she fell backwards onto her mattress "What the hell am I going to wear?"
Eventually, she pulled out this elegant ruched navy blue cami dress that came down to her heels.

This is what it looks like :

Although Alex has chosen her outfit, Bradley is still sitting in her work uniform unaware of the time whilst sipping white wine

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Although Alex has chosen her outfit, Bradley is still sitting in her work uniform unaware of the time whilst sipping white wine...

Bradley checked her watch. "fuck" she shouted whilst running inside her gorgeous walk-in closet.
"I have an idea". She laughed whilst trying it on.

Bradley's phone buzzed, receiving a message from Alex

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Bradley's phone buzzed, receiving a message from Alex. It read: " Honey, I sent a car to your apartment to pick you up they will be here in a minute don't rush!"

(Part 2 will be up soon)

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