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Kaia was blindfolded and completely unaware of where she was being taken to. Just the other day she accepted Nav's offer however she has no intentions to actually obey that bastard. She is just playing safe until she gets done what she is here for. 

" What an idiot to fall for my tears and think he is dealing with some fragile flower , Corbyn i am that poisonous cactus which will hurt you the more you get closer to" she thought while trying not to smirk. Suddenly on of the guard held her arm and stopped her from moving further. The other one removed her blindfold and handcuffs. 

A fairly tall man dressed in a grey suit stood in front of her facing the window of spacious office , she realized it must be Corbyn enterprise building.

"Sir we brought her!" - said the guard and vacated the place with others, leaving Kaia and the man alone.

The man turned around and looked at her carefully from head to feet. He felt something strange about her as if he knew her before, taking a few steps closer to her he carefully studied her face and bent to look into her eyes, his hands still in the pocket as he knew Nav would chop them off if dared to touch her. She felt awkward by his weird act of looking at her like a puppy trying figure out strangers. 

" Kaia? are you the girl spying on Nav " he said in astonishment. 

Her eyes widened , how could he know her she hasn't even revealed her name even to Nav. Who is this man and what are the odds of him knowing more about her. 

" no i am not !" she denied.

" Come on ! i can't forget this face and these eyes. You are certainly Kaia Aubrey , 2013 batch Groton Highschool." 

" Fine you got me. But she's dead and i am not that innocent little girl anymore." she said rolling eyes.

"What the hell happened to you? and how you ended up here? Do you remember me? i am Kevin i was your classmate"

" I clearly can't recall your face. And about being here, well long story short, i work for Brett and now abducted by a psychopath who wants me to work for him."

" A psychopath! you must be talking about Nav?" 

She nodded in response. 

" I see, that so called psycho is my Boss." he said while pressing one's lips together.

" Oh ! ? Are you gonna kill me or what?" 

"Why would i do that, (i pretty much own my life to you in someway) said under his breath. I never imagined i would ever get to meet you again especially not like this. Though i don't wanna hurt you. However Nav gave some specific instruction to deal with you."

"Fine i am ready to face whatever comes" - Kaia.

With a quizzical smile he said " I have so many question to ask right now, if you are in trouble i would try my best to save you." 

" What if Nav know about this?" 

" Then i have to do whatever he says. Till then lets go somewhere else i have so much to ask you. And yes! don't try to escape, you will be shot at sight if you even think about it. Remember its his place there is no way out without his permission" 

She clenched her jaw and let out a sigh, " i know!" she blinked her eyes while faking a smile in agreement . Kevin may seem harmless but its hard to say he will ever put his loyalty aside for an a women he knew years ago. No one can actually tell intentions from words its actually hidden in the things most people never say. To trust a lie and to not trust a truth is equally dangerous. 

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