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6 Years Earlier

"Amy, Jamie's here."

"Okay!" Foosteps clattered down the stairs.

"Jamie!" Amy ran to the boy at the door and threw her arms around him. Another girl walked up behind the two and threw her arms around them.

"Suze, your here! Come one!" Amy grinned and beckoned her friends. They rushed upstairs after her leaving their bags at the door. Amy's mother sighed and smiled. She heaved the bags to the bottom of the stairs and went intot the kitchen.

Amy closed the door to her room. Still after being to her house hundreds of times, Suze still looked around in awe. Her house was huge, and her room was massive. The door to the balcony was open and her gauzy curtains gently blew in the breeze. Amy turned off the lights in the room and Jamie then turned on a small lamp that cast a warm glow on the trio. Amy sat down and turned to Suze.

"We call this meeting tonight to make sure we will never lose eachother. Tonight we take the oath of eternal frienship." Jamie and Amy exchanged glances. Suze was the one for dramatics. Suze nodded to Jamie and he gave the girls a steady solemn look.

"Repeat after me. I solemnly swear that I will forever remember and be friends with eachother. I will be there for there when they need it the most and we will always stick together." Each child signed the paper and sealed the deal with by putting one of their prized possesions with it. Amy then put the item in a shoe box and closed it up. They climbed onto a tree and shimmied down to the ground. Giggling and shushing eachother they hurried out into the yard until they reached an old oak tree. It was a beautiful night, the stars clearly twinkled in velvet sky. A warm spring breeze rustled through the leaves. The children's eyes shined in the moonlight as they looked at eachother. Taking out a shovel hidden amid its roots they dug a hold and the ground at the base of the tree. They placed the box in the hole and reverently covered it up.

They looked at eachother, even at seven year olds, knowing that they meant everything they said that night.

*Okay, I've been dying to put this story down for ages. Remember, this is only prologue, this just sets up the story. Sooo... Leave comments and tell me what you think, even though there isn't much now! :)

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