A Peaceful Place

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When you made it back, Atalante lead you down the hallway and into another room. "Shirou says that this will be your room for now."

"Thanks Atalante, and thank you for going shopping with me today."

"Of course, I had a lot of fun." She responded. "...Did you want your clothes back?"

"Nah, you can keep them. This way, when we go out next, you'll have an outfit."

"Thank you." She smiled. You gave her a nod of approval. "Well, I'll be going now."

"Goodnight." You waved, as she headed out the door.

You looked around the room a bit before placing down your bag on the bed. It was nice, it even had a small bathroom connected to it. A shower sounded great right about now. You were beginning to pull off your top when suddenly a booming voice startled the living shit out of you. "Hey, pipsqueak!"

"AH!" You gasped, immediately pulling back up your shirt at the berserker's voice. "Y-You could learn to knock, y'know..." You mumbled.

"I'm tired of waiting around! I'm going to invade on the black factions land!"

"What!? You can't do that!" You argued.

"I don't take orders from you!" The berserker disagreed. "Spartacus doesn't take orders from anyone!"

"Well wait, let's just be reasonable here!" You continued, stepping in front of him.

"Move it, Tiny!"

"You can't just go off doing reckless things without—

The berserker suddenly grabbed on to both your arms with just one hand before raising them above your head and shoving you against the wall. "Sorry, oppressor." He laughed, before stabbing a dagger right through both your hands, pinning you to the wall. Pain instantly came over you, and as soon as you heard the door slam you let out a loud cry. Blood was beginning to drip down from your hands and down to your arms. You could tell some of it was beginning to fall into your hair and more running down your chest or onto the floor. You closed your eyes tightly.

Blood...blood...so much blood everywhere... You felt your legs begin to tremble, but not like you could fall because your arms were literally pinned above you. You suddenly popped an eye open as you heard the materialization sound of a servant. You watched as Karna appeared right in front of you. "L-Lancer?" You stuttered.

"Should I of intervened on your behalf?"

You sighed. "No...this has nothing to do with you, I— How did you get that?" You asked looking at a small cut on his face.

"It's nothing. Saber of Black and I simply had a duel earlier this morning."

"You and Saber of Black?"


"But why?"

"I know not. It's part of what Shirou wanted to talk to me about last night. As per the orders you gave me earlier that day, I simply acted as instructed."


His eyes that had wandered downwards now looked back up at you.

"You weren't hurt to badly...were you?" You asked worriedly.

"No. It was a marvelous battle. But, none of that matters at the moment. Right now, I'm concerned with you."

"Oh...I kinda thought you were mad at me."

"Of course not. I don't let personal feelings get in the way."


"Shall I get you down?"

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