𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4: 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Y/n's POV:

I could feel a sense of comforting warmth next to me, something that I haven't felt in what seems like an eternity.

My eyes began to flutter open, as my vision was blurred, before slowly regaining.

I glanced around my surroundings, before looking next to me, and saw a sleeping brunette haired girl beside me.

I began to grow flustered, trying to remember the events that took place the night before, but my memory had grown hazy.

As if it was on cue, Jenna had began to groan in exhaustion, as she nuzzled her head deeper into my chest, causing me to lean back down in bed.

"Jenna..?" I softly called out her name, placing my hand on her shoulder and gave it a small shake, earning another groan from the brunette haired girl.

It wasn't everyday that you would wake up next to someone that you supposedly hated.

"Jenna..!" I called her name slightly louder, and shook her once more, causing her to let out an annoyed groan once again before slowly lifting her head up off of my chest.

"Ugh... What..?" Jenna softly groaned out, as her voice had grown slightly raspy from sleeping.

As the brunette haired girl lifted her head, both of our drowsy eyes had met, as she began to rub the exhaustion out of them. Her brunette hair had grown messy, locks of it sitting sporadically on top of her head as she yawned. I quickly darted my eyes away from her, breaking contact with her before speaking.

"D-Did we..?" I began to ask, as my cheeks began to turn slightly red in embarrassment, not being able to remember the night before.

Jenna stared at me blankly before realizing what I was implying, as her brown eyes began to widen, as she frowned.

"N-No, what the hell..?" Jenna responded, as she lifted herself off of me and sat in the empty space in the bed next to me.

There was a brief moment of silence between us, as I continued to try and recollect my thoughts.

"Do you... Seriously not remember at all..?" Jenna asked, as she turned her head over at me and gave me a concerned look.

I took another second to try and think. Then, it all began to flood back into my mind, as my eyes slowly widened.

"Oh... Yeah, I do... I almost OD'd last night." I stated while running my fingers through my h/c hair, as Jenna stayed silent, facing away from me now.

"I-I..." I tried to speak, I wanted to come up with any sort of reasonable excuse for my actions, but my mind was completely voided of options.

"I'm really sorry, Jenna... You shouldn't of seen that." I apologized, trying to be as sincere as possible towards her.

Jenna continued to stay silent, with her head down, her brunette eyes gazing down at my bedsheets. I began to struggle, trying to find some sort of conclusion with her.

"I-I know, we... Hate each other, and stuff, but-"

"I don't hate you... I... Really don't..." Jenna mumbled, cutting me off in the process.

"Then... Why did you blackmail me into taking you to the concert?" I asked, becoming curious from her previous actions.

"Because..." Jenna trailed off, as she sighed heavily, stroking back a piece of her messy brunette hair behind her ear.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Just know, that I don't hate you like you think I do." Jenna clarified, as she kept her gaze down at her feet.

"I'm sorry..." I uttered, as Jenna turned her head towards me, our eyes making contact.

Downfall | Jenna Ortega x Male Reader (Enemies to Lovers)Where stories live. Discover now