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Asia p.o.v
Walking out of class I saw Tasha and her crew messing with Liana

Tasha: where you going

Liana: I'm just trying to get to class

Tasha jumped right infront of her

Tasha: you know you ain't slick right

Liana: can you leave me alone please

Tasha: I'm not done talking to you

Tasha grabbed her backpack and pushed her up against the locker

Me: Ayy leave her alone

I pushed Tasha away from her

Tasha: this ain't over you little bitch

Tasha and her little crew laughed and walked away

Me: Liana are you okay

Liana: why are you helping me like we not friends or anything

Me: I'm helping you cause you look like you needed it

Liana: thanks

I picked her books up and gave it to her

Me; and I thought it would be cool if we were friends ya know I don't have that many female friends or whatever

Liana: maybe I guess

We started walking down the hallway

Me; you want me to handle tasha

Liana: nah I'm good..she's mad jalen was talkin to me

Me; man-

Liana: I'll just stop talking to him

Me: no you don't have to- she can't control you

Liana: I guess

Liana walked away from me
End p.o.v

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