Chapter 9: Kiss

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Im laying in bed when i get a call from Cliff. I find it odd because Sawyer told me they were all together and Cliff never calls when they are together, we rarely call.

I pick up the phone as anxiety rises inside of me.

"Hey Cliff, everyone okay?"
"Sawyer, i think he's having a panic attack. He keeps asking for you."
"Oh shit, i'll be there soon." I hang up grabbing my keys and begun driving over to his house quickly.

I pull up to Cliff's house and walk in seeing all the boys sitting on the couches anxiously.

"Where is he?"

They all snap their heads to me.


I knock on the locked door.

"Sawyer, let me in." I say softly.

The door flings open Sawyer comes rushing up to me wrapping his arms around my waist dropping his head into my neck.

I walk us into the bathroom so the boys don't have to watch this. His breath is unsteady as he sobs into my neck. His chest heaves up and down.

"Come on Sawyer you can do it." I rub his back.His grip on my waist tightens as he balls up the back of my shirt where his hands rest.

"A is for?" I ask.
"Apple." He mumbles his lips brushing against my neck.
"B is for?"

We continue going through the alphabet as his breath slowly comes down. He pulls his head out my neck looking at me as his tear stained cheeks come into view. I bring my hands up wiping his tears.

"I love you so much Jules." He sniffs.
"I love you too." I rub my thumbs under his eyes.

"Fuck what would i do without you." He tilts his head back a bit before meeting my gaze again.

"You'd be okay."
"No i fuckin' wouldn't." He digs his head back into my neck. I let out a giggle as i run my hands through his hair.

I feel him leave soft kisses along my neck making me freeze.

"Is this okay?" He continues.
"I- um yes." I gulp.

His kisses go higher, up my neck, under my ear, across my cheek.

He places a kiss to the corner of my lips. I lock eyes with him as he pulls away slightly. My eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes.

I press my lips to his as he kisses me back. He pulls me closer to him by the waist as i play with his hair.

We both pull away breathing deeply. A smile pans onto his lips. I connect ours again as the kiss becomes more heated. His hands slide under my shirt touching my bare skin.

"I have to go." I whisper against his lips.
"Mums cooking."

We stare into eachothers eyes for a moment before stepping apart. We say goodbye to the boys before getting into our seperate cars.

I storm upstairs and into Jett's room as Nate is also in there.

"What's wrong?" They furrow their brows.

"Me and Sawyer kissed." I stand at the end of the bed biting my lips.
Their mouths gape open a bit before they turn into smiles. They both high-five.

"What do i do?"
"What do you mean? Date him duh."
They both nod.

I talk to them for a while before going back to my room laying in bed. I soon get a message from Sawyer making my heart speed up.

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