chapter 2 - how to gut someone

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y/n's pov

as i walked onto school grounds, police were surrounding the front and news reporters were uh.. reporting the news. confused, i saw randy and went up to him. "hey randy, uh, what's going on? why are there the cops everywhere?" i asked, genuinely confused. "dude. have you not checked out the news lately?!" he paused and continued to walk with me to the court yard in the back. "so, casey and steve were found murdered at her house! completely slaughtered, and gutted, from dick to throat!" randy exclaimed. "first, you're over exaggerating. second, casey didn't even have a dick!" i rolled my eyes with a smug smirk on my face. we both chuckled and went to our classes on the time tables.

we walked through the hallways together as we reached our first period of the day, which was ms scarlet's english class. i never understood why grammar was so important in this world, nobody used it properly anyways. although the thing with casey that i had heard about earlier, who in their right mind would do that to such an innocent teenager? she hadn't done anything wrong, and was so happy too. first steve, then casey, i guess it was a romeo and juliet story. romeo and juliet both die in a horrible, morbid way. forbidden love truly exists, doesn't it? i walked into the classroom and took my seat to see sidney, who was taking little glances at where casey becker's desk use to be.


a student came back into the class and handed the teacher a note. "(y/n), it's your turn to go down to the principal's office for questioning." ms scarlet said briefly before dismissing me and continuing to teach the rest of the students. it was strange, why was there a murderer in the small, quiet town named woodsboro? i walked through the cold, empty, and echoey hallways of woodsboro high. after a while, i reached the office where deputy dewey riley awaited with his partner for questioning. "hey, deputy riley!" i winked as i smiled. it was good to know that somebody i knew was in this room with me. "hey, (y/n). please take a seat," he gestured, pointing to the seat in front of him. i sat down quickly, i didn't want to get in trouble with the law.

"so, (y/n) (l/n), we've got a few questions for you. is that alright?" the officer asked. i nodded my head in agreement. "where were you at the time of casey becker's murder?" i was asked. "i was at home with my parents, you could even check up with them if you'd prefer." i answered truthfully to each question that was thrown my way. after i had been done, they let me go. "thanks for cooperating, (y/n). enjoy your day and stay safe!" dewey said as he smiled, while the other officer was looking at his clipboard. i shot him a smile back and as the bell rang, i left the school like everybody else and went to the town circle to hang out with my friend group.

as my feet dragged along the dirt, i found my way to the fountain in the park where they were all talking to each other. "hey, (y/n)!" tatum greeted me with a cheerful smile plastered across her face. i sat down on the concrete next to herself and stu. "so, now that (y/n)'s here, have you guys heard about casey becker's murder?" billy said, waving his hands around. "yes, we have, dork ass!" sidney chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "i heard that apparently she was found hung from a tree, completely gutted! insides on the outside!" stu exclaimed. "they also apparently found her liver in her own mailbox!" randy and stu kept ranting on about what rumors they had heard.

"how.. do you gut someone?" sidney asked quietly, still seemingly in shock with the current situation. everybody including myself just stared at her for the smallest moment imaginable. "you take a knife, and slit em' from groin to sternum," stu explained with a soft smile, but mostly straight face. "hey, it's called tacts, fuck rag." billy replied, sitting up, still with sidney. "didn't you used to date casey, stu?" sidney asked, tilting her head slightly. "yeah, for like 2 seconds-" he started but got cut off by randy, "before she dumped you for steve!" he exclaimed.

after they continued to fuck around and playfully argue, sidney started to grab her bag and gave billy a kiss on the cheek. she got up from the fountain stone she was sitting on and walked off. i got up and followed along with her. "hey, you okay?" i asked concerned. "yeah, i just.. don't prefer to talk about that stuff, y'know?" she reassured, explaining why she had left. "that's understandable! want me to hang with you for the night or do you just wanna head home?" i smiled. "thanks for the offer, but i think i'll just head home. i'll ring you up if i need anything though!" we said our goodbyes, and i went on my way home. the sound of the concrete of the sidewalk on my way home filled the silence between me, myself, and i.

as i reached my home made of brick, stone, and probably wood, i went up onto the porch and opened the door, walking inside. i shut the door behind me and went into my bedroom upstairs. i lied down and stared blankly at the ceiling above myself. what would possess someone to murder people who were still considered children? they were completely innocent and had done nothing wrong. that isn't right, just fucked up. i continued to blankly stare as my arm reached up and my hand attempted to grasp the ceiling core. i broke out of my zone as my little brother ran into my room, not knocking on the door.

"dude, how many times have i told you?! knock on the door." i explained, trying to keep my cool. "nah, it's fine though, cause we're related." he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "what if i was naked, fuck for brains?" i asked with a rude tone. danny stared at me with wide eyes. "i'm telling mom that you swore at me!!" he exclaimed, running down the stairs. thank god he was going out with mom and dad on their month-long trip. danny had been kind of annoying sometimes, but he's my brother so i do love him. although, he can tend to be overwhelming.

"(y/n)!!" i could hear my mother yell my name. "coming!" i yelled back at her as i went down the stairs. i saw her standing with my father and my brother by the front door with their suitcases and bags. her arms were crossed and she looked a bit upset, probably because i swore at my brother. little fucking snitch. "you know what i say about swearing at your brother!" she continued to lecture me on how and why i shouldn't. she sighed and softly smiled. "though, you are my daughter. i'll see you next month, okay? ring me up if you need anything." she hugged me, and i hugged her back. i bid my family adieu and went into the living room to lay down on the couch.

love and knives ~ ghostface x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now