Episode 1B

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Scene 9,
At the Kim's Villa,

Son comes out of his room,his brown long hair packed up to the back,on a white tee on baggy black trousers

Maid Ri: bows a bit, Good morning Sir, Here are your hot napkins.... she looks up at him

Maid Yuna: who is at the back of Ri, stares mouth agape,Oh my gosh... she says lowly

Son overlooks them and leaves, getting that they are dazed at his good looks like almost every lady is
After he leaves,
Maid Ri: Is that the last born that has been abroad?

Maid Yuna: I think he is.... dazed, He is drop dead gorgeous, just like a model..is he even a model?

Maid Ri: Who did he take after?

Maid Yuna: Maybe his Mom, He looks a bit feminine,but wow
Both stare at Son, running down the long staircase

Scene 10,
Dining table,

Son: Good morning Sir, Good morning Mom, he sits

Mrs. Kim: Good morning Son, she smiles

Mr. Kim: Morning. reading the newspaper as he sips a cup of coffee

Son overlooks this,pissed at his nonchalant attitude,takes his meal and starts to eat

After a while,

Mrs. Kim uncomfortable at the awkward silence, speaks up.

Mrs. Kim: So how was America Son? she smiles

Mr. Kim: the strict looking man chuckles a bit,Are you asking him how America has been or how prison has been?

Son: Tsk, he pauses, glaring at him a bit before replying,America has been fine Mom

Mr. Kim: By the way, He slides a note to Son, Here are the lists of schools I chose for you under my watch, you can choose any one of them

Son: scoffs, You seem to be forgetting that I am schooling in one presently

Mr. Kim: I just called them to tell them you will be withdrawing

Son: Withdrawing??! Are you being serious here? Wait Mom is this man being serious with me here?

Mrs. Kim: He's your Dad..

Son: Wait, are you really being serious with me? without my consent??

Mr. Kim: Why? Do you want to beat me up?

Son: What kind of person is this?! And you are a Father like this?

Mrs. Kim: You don't talk to your Dad like that! show some respect

Mr. Kim: Is this where your mates are,My friends children your age are all beaming with radiance and good home training

Son: Then maybe you should have been there to give me that home training instead of transferring me from one family to another

Mr. Kim: You keep making the same excuses that's why you are still like this, How am I even sure you will amount to anything in years to come, sighs, And to think this is also my son

Son: Why don't you just disown me then?!! gets up furiously, You keep complaining everytime,You make it seem like I am not even worth being born!

Mr. Kim: Look young man,save your energy cause whether you like it or not, you are going to one of those schools

Son: Why don't you drag me there then?!

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