Chapter 1 - Seniors

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27th of September • 1:25 pm • Café

Maya's POV

I glanced upwards after scrubbing the counter, Fay and Ava walked through the front door. I shot them a smile.

It was finally here. Senior year.

I sighed happily, " 2 coffees on the house! " I said, raising a brow.

"Gee, you're chirpy." Ava said with a smirk.

" wellllllll," I took my time thinking of why I was so happy. Something about sitting down and realizing how old I am. I've always been the young kid and now, we're the seniors. We practically own the school. " Seniors. Guys, WE'RE SENIORS. Sorry for being excited!"

" No, no, No! " Fay started with excitement.

"I'm super excited too! This is the years of our youth- she started to look up and overacting. - this will be the best year of our life! We're young adults now !" Fay looked back at us with a huge smile. She always was so jolly.

Grabbing her coffee i just handed her and sitting down Ava spoke. " I don't know guys, feels the same as any other year to me." she shrugged. I was happy to finally be over with High School, or at least almost over.

We all just sat there for a moment and thought. Me, about the kind of events that'll take place this year.

Fay, breaking the silence, said " So, Maya, when you gonna finish working here?"

hmm- i thought- When will i finish working here?

I looked around this slightly grubby café, i liked it here.

I shrugged, " I don't know, it was just supposed to be a temporary thing but now i'm not so sure."

This was our hangout spot, if i quit, where would we go? I have so many memories here.

I brushed back my long golden hair and fiddled with my ear cuffs and piercings.

I wonder when the last time was where I wasn't wearing this apron. I worked as a waitress here for about 8 months now.

This was gonna be a temporary thing until, 1, my parents let me have more money since they cut me off exactly 10 months ago. Or,2, i actually get into this rough college, but people hardly ever get in so my chances are small... Plans for that though, will have to wait. Cause, senior year, here we come. It'll be the best as long as I've got Fay and Ava by my side.

We sat in the booth nearest do the bar and spoke for a while.
The café had an unusual empty feeling. We usually had at least 5 or 6 people in at a time. Today it was just us.

After a while I heard a loud shriek followed by numerous screams. We rose from our seats in shock before I made my way to the door

What could be happening? In an instant, people were running inside the café in horror.

Being that my boss, Teddy, was out, I was in charge .

I told everyone to stay back and calm down. None of them gave me any clue as to what happened outside.
They were all shaking and telling me things like it came from nowhere!
So, being temporarily in charge, I felt it was my duty to see what happened.
Ava and Fay were handing out glasses of water to everyone when I stopped them.

" Guys, I'm gonna go see what happened. Make sure these people are okay. "

Their eyes went wide as they stared at me.

" Are you crazy? There could be someone with a gun out there! I've heard of things like this happening in other parts of the world!" Ava yelled.

She caught me off guard, I've never seen her so agitated in my life.
Despite her words I opened the door and looked out cautiously.

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