Liz and Rocky

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"5 6 7 8!" Rydel yelled at you while you practiced for you dance recital you have the next day. You were doing fantastic through out the hole thing but this one back flip just really got to you. You almost had it but you slipped in the landing and hit your head against the floor. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to shut out the pain but it failed.

"Hey, you ok?" You heard a voice say. It was too deep to be Rydel so you opened up your eyes to the one and only, Rocky Lynch, to be right over you. Your stomach got butterflies and you were to excited to speak. He helped you up and got you some alive to take your head ache away.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Liz." You were able to get out.

"Liz." He repeated then smiled. "I like that name. I'm Rocky." He smiled that gorgeous smile at you which didn't help.

"Cool." Was all you could say.

"Well I gotta go. See you later, Liz." He got up and walked out the room.

~~Next day~~

You stood at the side of the stage waiting for your song, Low by Flo Rida, to play.

Once it finally did all of your worries and thoughts went away. Except for Rocky of course. You got out on stage and the crowd cheered for you. And when it came to the back flip, you got it! You smiled inside and kept dancing.

The dance finished and you looked at the crowd and the only person who stood out was Rocky and he looked so proud of you.

When you ran off the stage you were greeted by Rydel congratulating you.

"Liz!" You turned around to see who called you and were so excited to see who it is.

"Rocky, hey!" He came up to you with his hand behind his back.

"You are a fantastic dancer." He complimented as he reviled what he was hiding, flowers.

"These are for you." He handed out.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you!" You said hugging him and he hugged back.

"Are you hungry?" He asked not letting go.


You both let go and he took you hand in his and asked, "Would you like to have dinner with me?"



hope you liked it!


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