𝟎𝟔𝟖, romeo!

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Estella was incredibly bored. she had been spending most of her time following daryl around, doing whatever he did and going wherever he went. he didn't mind, he liked being able to keep an eye on her and making sure she was safe, especially with the risk of the saviours finding her and putting her back in the cell. it was like there was some invisible string just attaching her to him, and every time she moved away from him, she got hurt.

and everyone knew that estella didn't have the best track record of making friends in new communities. he didn't know any of the kids from the kingdom, so he didn't know what they were capable of. like, for instance, if they were capable of taking her out into the woods and beating her up for no reason at all, and then leaving her for walkers. it had only happened twice, but twice was way too much for something like that. once was way too much.

they walked down to an area, seeing king ezekiel, morgan, and some other men from the kingdom getting back from wherever they had been. daryl knew it was to see the saviours, estella was completely clueless. he was glad she was clueless, though. even the thought of the saviours anywhere near the kingdom would make her feel threatened. he didn't want that.

"you went to see them, right?" daryl asked morgan when the rest of the men walked away, leaving just him.

"yeah." morgan replied. that's when estella clicked on. she looked down to her feet at the mention of the saviours again. she didn't know why she always felt the need to do that when somebody did mention them. it was like she couldn't look them in the eyes.

"part of your deal? the hell's wrong with you? you're bleeding. they did that to you. you know what they are." daryl said, his tone angrier than what it had started as.

"i do." morgan answered, more calmly.

"you know, if carol were here, she saw all that— if she knew about abraham, and glenn, she'd be leading us right to 'em, ready to kill 'em all." daryl said, morgan nodded.

"she would. and that's why she left, man." he replied.

daryl walked away after that, so estella followed after him. she could tell that he was pissed off. she didn't know if it was because carol actually left him, or if it was because of the saviours and the lack of help they had in fighting them. maybe it was a mix of both. she knew not to poke the bear when it was angry, though, so she didn't question it.

"i think everyone will come around. maybe it won't be now, or in a couple months, maybe it'll be in a year, but they'll come around when they realise how much the saviours take, and not give." estella said to him as they walked.

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