The Element Of Surprise~ pt.1

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~The Element Of Surprise~
Getting in trouble at a last shadow puppets gig, security brings you back stage, that is until (eycte) Alex and Miles find you when they come off.

Every single day. You heard the same thing from your friends.
160, 150, 140, 130, the never ending count down of days until the day. It went on. And on. And on and seemed as thought the day would never come when you got to see the last shadow puppets perform, in France.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6... days.
5, 4, 3, 2, until that 1 day came when you were in your house preparing for what was supposedly going to be the best night of your life.

Imagining their voices, chemistry between them and unbelievable lyrics. You were already high on the mere thought of it.

You cried, danced and having got so close to the front of the stage, and almost at the front of the mosh pit screaming your heart out to each of the lyrics.

You stared at Alex as he and Miles sang together, watching how comfortable they looked together as though there was not a single thing that they keep hidden from each other. The same microphone and the smiles that radiated from their faces as their eyes caught each other. The look of unconditional love and trust in each other.

You closed your eyes when the chorus of the element of surprise rung out in your ears, loud and it radiated every inch of your body and sent shivers down your spine.

Opening your eyes to see the security guards standing there calmly with absolutely no care in the world for the music whatsoever. Standing motionless.

You turned around for a quick moment to check for your friends, as you were in front of both of them. The girl that was furthest from you in a short black and white striped dress and she looked fantastic, of course ignoring the mascara dripping down her face.

Your almost unalert gaze shifted to behind her, where a man who looked in his 30s had a bottle of water, that you had guessed probably was not water but filled with vodka or another strong alcoholic drink by the way that he was acting, his eyes drowsy almost half shut.

He was staring at her from the back up and down her body in this tight dress. You looked at him in disgust and turned around to the security guards who weren't paying attention. You looked back at the man behind your friend, seeing his hand moving towards her body. Your friend still clueless.

You tried desperately to get her attention trying to point behind her, not being able to reach her. The man pulled upon the back of her skirt.

You pushed through your friend quite aggressively out of anger, because there was nothing another way of getting her attention with the music blaring into your ears.

You walked over to the man and you shouted at him to stop and pointed at him. You could barely hear a thing, but you were sure that by your facial expression and the motion of your mouth was downturned, he knew exactly why you reacted this way.

Your friend stepped backward, though you could barely hear anything you were saying at all.
He grabbed your shoulder roughly and pushed you back against someone behind you, his friends laughing behind him, almost looking as stoned as he was.

You were fucking shocked and took 2 steps forward without even thinking about, no hesitation nor sense to know it would be best to alert security somehow. It was too late. Before you knew it your hand in a fist and punching his square in the nose. He fell back against some people that had now noticed and were eyeing the security.

You didn't even regret it now. Your 2 friends came around you and watching their mouths move while blurting inaudible things at you, confusion, anger and accused misconceptions leading them to just check if you were alright, in a worried tone though you could barely hear them at all with all the thoughts circling your mind.

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