03. Marcin

515 19 14

Translator: Schiotka

Editor: Bluwren


He pressed play on some good music and sat down, placing the prepared bowl of warm water on his knees. He placed the snake in it. A small rainbow boa Nivan had given him.

"You are a troublemaker," he sighed, holding him so he wouldn't escape.

After a few minutes of soaking, he took the snake out of the water and looked at him closely. He smiled.

He adored him.

The tiny boa was very different from the rest of his serpentine family, which seemed to grow with each month.

The snake didn't throw himself at food like all the other kids, he was much calmer. He always coiled around his wrist whenever he picked him up. He was like a trusting, curious child.

Marcin had a soft spot for him, even though the snake wasn't any good at shedding his skin and he had to help him every single time by soaking him in water.

Truth be told, he didn't hold it against him. He knew well that he didn't have the best environment for him. The new terrarium was to arrive over the next few weeks, which should help with the skin shedding.

After Nivan moved out, Marcin packed all "borrowed" things into a cardboard box. He took it to the room that had been empty for a while now. Many times he caught himself pausing at the door.

In the beginning the memories were painful, hard to bear, and the tiny, shimmering snake reminded him of Nivan as well. Even though he didn't want it, everything was resurfacing.

Like when Nivan went after him to Oslo, or how they did the deed on the carpet. How hard it was for them to part after those few days. Hundreds of memories bombarded his head.

Usually the good ones, full of joy and the desire to be close.

A small spark was enough for his head to be flooded with a thick mass of memories. To overflow.

Marcin decided to remove every little thing that reminded him of Nivan. And as such the boa was supposed to go as well.

"Luckily that didn't happen. We almost parted ways because of that redheaded moron," he said, helping the snake shed the old skin as he moved his fingers over the slick body.

Thinking about it longer, words popped into his head:

"He was unable to shed his old shell.

He was stuck with his eyes glued shut."

He smiled broadly, grabbing his song textbook.

He wrote down his thoughts, still holding the wet, curious snake in his palm while it looked around.

Marcin felt very creative lately. Even though it was hard for him to admit, Nivan gave him a lot of inspiration. Practically every song was a small memory of the Redhead.

The pain was gone. Marcin buried it, giving himself time to grieve. He used the memories of their relationship to create. He was pouring his feelings into singing.

He felt stronger when he came to terms with the fact that Nivan would always be a part of him. As much as he wanted to push it away, he understood the ways he was shaped by him, and learned many things about himself in the process. He grew up.

Looking at the door to Nivan's room wasn't painful anymore, and he didn't want to forget.

He smiled to himself feeling that indeed, things were looking up.

Echo of the Past - volume 2Where stories live. Discover now