Chapter One - Unexpected Guest

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Flicking through your phone, you gave a soft sigh as you listened to the soft rain tapping the window. You had scheduled a meet-up with your best friend. Eva ran up to you with a bright smile on her face. Her tight curls flew behind her weightlessly. Eva was a beautiful young woman. With blonde hair and pale green eyes. It was almost like she had been ripped from a fairytale and dragged into this world. Her parents were lovely and paid to her every whim. A true princess "Hello, (y/n)!" she beamed, hugging you tightly. "It's been such a long time!" That was a lie. You had spoken only yesterday over the phone. Besides, you would text almost every day.

You smiled softly and hugged her back. "Has it? We spoke yesterday." You laughed in a slight joke. She snorted and pulled away. The blonde then sat opposite you. The cafe you were in was near the sea and it was a cosy small place. It kept you warm and sheltered against the bitter cold.

Eva challenged you with a smirk. "Still, too long since then." She hummed as you both giggled and went up to order. She opened a caramel latte with a cinnamon scone while you ordered a hot chocolate and a small sandwich. You both had managed to get off work for the weekend. A good thing, too, because work was becoming more stressful by the day. It was killing you. As you nibbled at your small sandwich, Eva led the conversation with  rambles about random things, mostly law and about her new job as a lawyer. It was going well for her. She also asked how your small singing job was going. It was a gentle job. Singing in a cafe during the morning, however, a bar during the afternoon was rough. Yet, you were used to the routine. But there had been a couple of times when a guy had asked you out, especially at your night job at the bar. There was one time you were cornered by a group of three men.. luckily, your manager chased them off. Jerry, his name was. A rough tall rather large man who had the biggest heart. Eva and you both joked when it came to those times. Laugh away the pain. Despite its benefits, being a small musician was hard. Your parents begged you to give it up... But you were stubborn. You always were. Perhaps that was your fault. Thought your grandmother often reminded you that it was good to be stubborn sometimes.

Suddenly, you felt an imaginary wind hit your face with such force you began to tear up. You could hear the faint cawing of a bird in the void of darkness in your hollow mind. All you could see was emptiness. The emptiness that was your life.

"Hey, (y/n)?" You snapped out of your thoughts and forcefully smiled at your best friend, Eva. Her light green eyes were watching you warily. "Are you okay?" she asked, playing with her blonde hair. Were you? That was a common question you asked yourself in the mirror. You looked around the cafe. There were some children squealing in the back. Everything seemed normal?

You nodded and sighed. "Yeah, I'm just a little caught up in my head." Eva smiled and took your hand. Your grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. You and her were as close as close could possibly be. You loved her very much. Life seemed to be getting harder and harder for you. Your parents were greatly annoyed when your grandmother's will was announced. She had been a famous author. You looked up to her so much. But when they found out that your little brother was left nothing they were furious.

Your little brother was their ultimate golden child. He could do no wrong in their eyes. So, when your grandmother left you everything. Her grand estate and money. Everything. They were deeply annoyed. They even tried to get the will changed. They went as far as to kick you out. It hurt so much. So you went to the only place you could go. Your grandmother's estate.

The very last thing that you got from her was a dog. You always told her how much you wanted a dog. But your parents refused to get you one. A dog was placed on the doorstep by a neighbour for your deceased grandmother. You cried as soon as you saw two large icy eyes looking up at you. The young dog was a German Shepherd cross Husky. There was a letter attached explaining the situation. It said that the young dog had already been trained and that your grandmother wanted you to have some sort of protection.

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