// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 //

616 36 55

hiraeth - part thirty-three


         Y/n hissed in pain as she took a step forward, trying to prepare for her day. Today was the day she'd start attending her new school, and as it was just her luck, her wound in her waist had opened up. Whis had yet to visit again, so Y/n was stuck having to constantly tend it herself. She also didn't want Goku or Gohan constantly babying her, so she kept it under wraps, the only person aware being Bulma, who helped her tend to it.

As she stepped outside, Bulma following behind to escort Y/n to school and help her get set up, Y/n shivered as she felt something approaching. Ever since her potential was unlocked by Whis, she'd been feeling odd sensations. She'd get a shiver down her back whenever she could feel someone approaching, like a strange way of sensing energy. She also occasionally felt really aggressive and an urge to fight that she repressed. She was still human, regardless of her Saiyan heritage, and she refused to act on her new feelings.

Gohan suddenly landed right in front of her, as if he'd been in a hurry to show up. He even panted as he tried to relax, giving Y/n a nervous smile as he stepped toward her.

"Y/n! I just wanted to see you off on your first day!" Gohan spoke, suddenly pulling her into a tight hug. Y/n gasped, squeezing her eyes shut in pain as she bit her lip, trying to hide how he'd basically just crushed her injured ribs. Y/n forced out a chuckle, pushing him back.

"Thank you, Gohan. I'll tell you about how it went later, okay?" Y/n said, trying to rush him. Gohan nodded with a smile, before grabbing her hands. While she wanted him to leave, she did find some comfort in his larger, warm hands, as if he were holding her down to this world. She wouldn't be surprised if she were dying again.

"We can go out once you get home! I want to treat you, please." Gohan begged, giving her a starry-eyed look. Y/n giggled, wanting nothing more than to just have some alone time with Gohan again. He was quite relaxing to be around, and very calm. But at the same time, she didn't want to risk him finding out about her reopening wound.

"I-I don't know, Gohan. I might be busy after school. I still have some more things to unpack, and I might have homework since I missed the first few days." Y/n tried to come up with excuses, all of which Gohan had the answer for.

"I can unpack your things while you're at school! And I could help you with your homework! Please, Y/n?" Gohan squeezed her hands, making Y/n sigh. She rolled her eyes with a smile, giving up.

"Sure, Gohan. I think you already know where everything goes, right? And I'll be back later. See you soon," Y/n stepped past him, waving goodbye. As she tried to leave, she felt Gohan grab her shoulders, surprising her as he leaned down by her face, placing a small kiss on her cheek.

"Have a good day, Y/n." He spoke softly in her ear, making Y/n blush brightly as she gasped, nearly jumping out of his arms. She chuckled nervously, stepping away as Bulma followed with a knowing smile.

"B-Bye, Gohan!" Y/n exclaimed, rushing away. Gohan sighed with a smile, watching her leave. He perked up as he turned to face the large factory that Y/n and Bulma lived in, a skip in his step as he walked inside. He wanted Y/n to be able to relax and not stress about anything anymore. Her dream was to be a scholar like him, so Gohan would do anything to keep her on that track, one small helping hand at a time.

Gohan made his way to Y/n's bedroom, opening the door and peaking inside. There were still things and boxes scattered about, her room a mess. She'd clearly been in a rush this morning, her pajamas thrown about and her schoolbooks spread out. Gohan chuckled as he stepped inside, beginning his work.

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