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—————| Attacked |—————

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| Attacked |

Nari stood before the closed door, her trembling hand hovering inches away from the cold golden handle. Her heart felt heavy within her chest, burdened by the weight of worry and sadness. Streams of tears had carved a path down her cheeks, leaving behind puffy, red eyes that mirrored her raw emotions.

Time seemed to stand still as she grappled with the overwhelming fear that had engulfed her ever since the news of her older brother, Hwan, being admitted to the hospital had shattered her world.

Every fiber of her being longed for solace, for a refuge where she could find respite from the storm raging within her. She knew, deep within her core, that her mother's room held the promise of comfort and understanding. It beckoned to her, its presence a beacon of warmth and familiarity amidst the chaos that had unsettled her existence.

Summoning her courage, Nari turned the doorknob with trembling fingers, allowing the door to swing open on silent hinges. She stepped into the room, her movements cautious and delicate, as if afraid to disturb the tranquility that enveloped the space. The carpet beneath her feet, a lush tapestry of deep crimson, absorbed the sound of her footsteps, muffling each gentle footfall.

In the soft glow of the room, Nari's eyes immediately fell upon her mother, lying peacefully on the bed, her chest rising and falling rhythmically with each tranquil breath. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if time itself had paused, unwilling to interrupt the serenity that blanketed her slumber. But as if touched by an invisible presence, her mother's senses stirred, drawing her from the embrace of sleep. With a gentle rustling of sheets, she opened her eyes, their warmth and love instantly capturing Nari's gaze.

A tender smile curved upon her mother's lips, spreading a gentle radiance across her face. It was a smile that spoke of understanding and unwavering support, a beacon of solace in the darkness that clouded Nari's heart. No words were exchanged, for none were needed. In silent communion, their bond spoke volumes, bridging the gap between words and emotions.

Nari's small form moved with unspoken intention, inching closer to the bed where her mother sat. Without hesitation, she climbed onto the mattress, her bare feet sinking into the plush bedding, a comforting touch against her tender skin. Nestling herself beside her mother, Nari sought refuge in the shelter of her loving embrace.

Resting her head upon her mother's arm, Nari closed her eyes, her face hidden from the world. She drank in the familiar scent of her mother's skin, the delicate perfume of lavender that clung to her clothes, a soothing balm for her weary spirit.

Her mother held her tight, stroking her hair and murmuring words of love and reassurance. The warmth and safety of her mother's embrace immediately began to calm Nari's anxious mind. It was like being surrounded by a comforting blanket on a cold winter night. She finally allowed herself to release all of the pent-up emotions that had been bottled up within her, sobbing uncontrollably into her mother's embrace.

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