💜⚔ Donnie x Ninja reader⚔ 💜

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Y/n pov
Now how did I get myself into this situation

As I was doing a small heist for my bosses We are trying to get our hands on a very special copy of this new video game Hot Soup 2 (I had nothing else on my mind) I come across some turtle that my boss is warmed me about They told me the colors of the red-orange purple and blue and 1 of them were purple  "Oh crap" I said What the heck am I gonna do I can't look this turtle see me if he does he's gonna have ratted me out I gotta do something Oh that's right I'm a ninja pfft I can just set some traps easy
As I was setting up the traps I can see the turtle coming closer to me 'Oh lord I gotta hurry'

Donnie pov
I really don't see why it's my turn to go and get this stupid disk even though We wouldn't do it again But no raph wants to listen to my dumb twin and my stupid little brother Like why do I have to Why can't Leo go he can make a portal it's that simple 1 so that dumb sword of his and he's here That's simple. As I was complaining as they say when I know I don't complain I hear something Happening in the room next to me "What is happening in there didn't everybody leave?" I said being Confused
That wasn't too I heard a voice a voice I did not want to hear "Did you find the disk?" "No sir I'm still looking" The Foot Clan You got to be kidding me But it doesn't just seem like it's just like a sound like someone else A girl/boy As I sneak around the corner to see if I can get a peak of the person I walk around the corner to see them when they were just here "A person can't just disappear in thin air it's not possible" That was until I heard a voice " hello there mister purple" As I looked at the see who said that I see a person on the roof "Who are you?" "I'm not supposed to tell you my name that's classified My real question is who are you?" "Like you said my name is Classified" "Yeah okay if you're here for the disk you're not gonna get it because I already have it So bye" As you were trying to escape I use 1 of my gadgets to stop my gadgets are the best "Okay we can either do this the easy way or the hard way it's looks like you wanted the easy way" "How do you know that's what I want" "From the looks on your face you look like you're in pain So easy or hard"  "How about neither"  "I'd figured you say that" " Wha-" Before they can say anything and knock them out with my stuff

End of flashback

Y/n pov
And that's all I end up here getting hit in the back of my head by a staff one of the worst ways to go "So are you gonna tell me why you are taking that for free or not" "No no I'm not" "Can you tell me why you're working for the foot?" "I don't know I just thought it'd be fun" "Do you think being a villain is gonna be fun you're in ninja for  crying out loud ninja should be doing other things not stealing Listen if I give you jobs to do for me I'll let you stay I'll let you go but you gonna have to quit the foot deal?" I was hesitant why should I trust a turtle again the people aren't working are not real people "You know what fine I'll do it" "Great Maybe we can also be friends " " alright  I'm cool with that " and that is how me and Donnie became a friend and maybe we might become more than that who knows what the future might bring.

Thank you 💁🏾‍♀️bummlol for the request 💜

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