The morning sun was shining in my face as I woke up on top of the hill.
All around stood peaceful white birches and the birds were singing.But I knew this will not last for long. At the sun rose higher in the sky I felt that if I won't make my home in near time I will be having a big problem at night. I jumped of the cliff. I have regret it very soon after finding my self down the hill with lots of scratches and bruises. I walked fast into the nearest cavern and trap my self with my wooden tools inside.
As I was still trapped inside I heard screaming from outside. But not soon after I got message in my phone.
Player _____ was slain by zombie
After that the player left the realm
Probably the first time diing. It felt really strange when you travel those hundreds of toussaint of worlds and realms.
In some of them you are some godlike creature in some of them you are as weak as everyone else.A sat in the corner waiting for the day time. And as the time passed by I actually fall asleep.
It was morning again and I decided that I will need house to stay in.
In the far I saw the river that went around the mountain going down south and the dark oak at her far shores.
But here the other side of the river was lined by tall spruce trees.
As I saw this combination of bioms I decided that there will be the place I'll call my home.
There I will live and grow potatoes.Well... I didn't know how wrong I was about that...
Hours past and my phone gave me another notification.
TTaVlocka joined the realm
As I looked up i was able to see his skin clearly.
Even when we met just a few days ago he found his way to my hearth. The was the friend I always wanted to have and never found.
I hope he is not reading this XD<KopirajtXD: HI
<TTaVlocka: So what are you building?
<KopirajtXD:house on the spawn what do you think about it?
Player StormspearXD joined the realmThe third player... huh. The name sounds familiar.. it is.. well this Stormspear guy is my brother... but... he is under my full control he can't even think what he wants to think. If I want him to do something he'll do it.
I just wish he won't create another identity I will not have any control over.That is exactly what happened duh...
Storms as the obedient puppet went right to me and stood in the corner the whole time.
Than something unpredictable happened.
One player I thought he was death because I have not seen him for ages joined the game and I thought about that he'll be friendly as he was the most of the time. That he'll be the same as he was in the capital. But he wasn't.Please excuse the mistakes English is not my first language.

FantasiaThis is about minecraft SMP that started like let's play survival and then everything went fastly down. I would love to tag minecraft players that are part of the SMP but I still have problem remembering their whole names so thanks to TTaVlocka Boo...