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aomine woke up cuddled into kagamis arms. His face felt dry due to him crying he groaned as kagami woke up.
"are you ok my love?" kagami asked gently
"yea i'm ok" aomine responded huskily sitting up.
"our wedding is next week can't you believe it?" kagami sat up with aomine a smile on his face.
"i can't just like i can't believe the beauty of the red head right next to me" aomine pecked kagamis cheek. The men smiled sharing a moment before they heard loud banging on the door. They both jumped as kagami scooted back in fear.
"i didn't invite anyone over and alex said she was busy today" kagamis voice quivered.
"it's ok i'll go check it out." aomine said sternly as he got up and walked out of the room kagami slowly getting up and following behind. Aomine opened the door to see his dad looking pissed.
"YOU! YOU LITTLE BITCH YOUR MARRYING THAT STUPID GUY!" the dad came marching in walking up to aomine staring his son in the eyes. Aomine scowled as he stared at his father.
"yes i am" aomine growled looking infuriated.
"YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO MARRY MOMOI!" the dad yelled again pushing aomine back making aomine fall to the ground. Aomine fell with a wince but got up quickly seeing his dad start to move towards kagami.
"LIKE I SAID BEFORE YOU CAN HIT ME ALL YOU WANT BUT FUCK WITH MY FIANCÉ AND I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A STICK!" aomine yelled shoving his father into a wall then standing between his dad and kagami. Kagami felt fear in all this he wanted to help his fiancé but he was sure aomine wouldn't let him. He was also fearful of aomines father because it brought back other memories kagami would rather forget. Aomines dad recovered quickly and threw a punch at aomine. Aomine quickly dodged as he pushed his father.
"fucking try it" aomine growled. The dad recovered and quickly got aomine into a choke hold. Aomine pryed at his fathers hand as he was loosing air. Kagami felt his blood boil as he looked angrily to aomines father who was grinning while choking his son.
"let him go" kagami growled.
"pfft! what are you gonna do?" the dad laughed
"I SAID LET MY FIANCÉ GO!" kagami yelled as he charged at aomines dad tackling him to the ground. Aomine fell to the floor gasping and catching his breath he looked up to see kagami punching the SHIT out of aomines dad. Aomine looked surprised as he watched kagamis rage take over him.
"GET OFF ME YOU FILTHY BRAT" the man kicked kagamis stomach then threw kagami off making kagami hiss and hit a wall. Aomines dad got to his feet with a bloody nose and multiple bruises.
"how did you get my address dad" aomine growled
"your mother told me" the dad responded with a grin.
"mom wouldn't just tell you she knows you would come here" aomine snapped
"that's why i made her" aomines dad laughed.
"YOU WHAT!" aomine yelled running up and picking his dad up by the collar slamming him against the wall. "What the FUCK did you do to my mother you bitch" aomine hissed
"i made her tell me where you lived" the dad snapped them grinned seeing how angry his son was.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!" aomine yelled
"she's probably still passed out on the living room floor" the dad laughed
"daiki! let me go get her you handle him" kagami cried to aomine as aomine looked to his fiancé who was standing holding his side.
"your hurt" aomine responded
"daiki let me handle her please" kagami begged
"fine go!" aomine yelled as his dad kicked aomine in the stomach. Aomine fell back as kagami stopped about to go help before aomine turned to kagami.
"GO IVE GOT THIS" aomine yelled as loud as he could. Kagami nodded as he took off running out of the apartment complex and towards aomines house. Kagami ran and ran until he reached the entrance to aomines house. Kagami ran to a window as he looked through it seeing the mother of aomine lying on the floor.
"Mrs aomine!" kagami yelled as he went back to the door and opened the door. (luckily it was unlocked). He ran to his future mother n laws side.
"mrs aomine! mrs aomine!" kagami shook the women as she opened her eyes.
"d-daiki?" she said weakly
"no no ma'am it's me it's taiga i'm here to help you" kagami said gently
"oh taiga thank goodness your safe" the women reached up and hugged kagami then pulled back "where is my son..."
"he is at our apartment still fighting his dad" kagami felt guilty for leaving the fight.
"then let's go we have to help him" mrs aomine got up as she stumbled beginning to fall.Kagami ran over and helped support her as they began to leave.
"here are my keys you drive" the women handed kagami her keys as they went to the car getting in quickly. They both got in the car as kagami back out and stepped on the gas speeding to get back to aomine.

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