Chapter 1: Heartbreak and Headlines

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Everyone thought Stanley Stevens, better known as Steel, was incredible. Super hot, super famous—never a moment in public without groupies fawning over him. Sure, he was one of the most well-known superheroes in the nation, but did that really mean anything? Serenity Smith didn't think so. He wasn't that great; he was too lazy to do his own laundry. If he needed something done, he'd just throw money at someone else to handle it. As an adult, he was absolutely useless. Maybe she was bitter over the breakup, but it needed to be said: her ex absolutely sucked, and she wished the rest of the world knew it.

"First time Steel has been spotted stepping out since his split with longtime girlfriend Serenity Smith," the trashy entertainment gossip channel blared. Serenity watched like an addict. She used to watch it casually, but since breaking up with the world-famous superhero Steel, she'd been glued to it.

On the screen, the paparazzi snapped photos of Steel with his fluffy sandy blonde hair and charismatic grin, stepping out arm in arm with one of the most beautiful women she'd ever seen

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On the screen, the paparazzi snapped photos of Steel with his fluffy sandy blonde hair and charismatic grin, stepping out arm in arm with one of the most beautiful women she'd ever seen.

"Get out of here," her brother Avery demanded, pushing open the door to his guest room for the millionth time.

"Get out of here," her brother Avery demanded, pushing open the door to his guest room for the millionth time

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He wanted her to leave. She wasn't disturbing him, just taking up residence in his house for the last few weeks—maybe months. She didn't know when she'd get her own place; rent was expensive. She had a decent job, and she knew she could make it on her own. At least she felt good about that.

Serenity sat cross-legged, fixated on the screen with a bowl of popcorn in her lap. She'd dyed her hair pink two days ago. That felt good, at least.

 That felt good, at least

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