Chapter 5: Who's That Chic

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•Harry's P.O.V•

Bitch! Veronica punched me after I called her a bitch, skater girl, and a cunt. I have to admit she looks pretty sexy when she's angry. But the look in her eyes, they had a look of hatred....her big brown eyes shooting daggers at me. Way to go Styles you really screwed your chance to get in her pants! On the bright side she knows how to throw a good cheek is turning purple.

"Dude, Harry! Did you really have to say that?"

"Yes Liam, I was only speaking the truth." I lied.

"The truth!?!?" Niall scoffed, "you don't even know her!"

"We'll I'm sorry that I don't know her...and I don't plan on getting to know her." I spat back

"But Hazza, you promised me you would try, and now you are just giving up!"


"Harry don't blame her! You called her a bitch, skater girl, AND! a cunt! What the hell is wrong with you Harold, you judged her when you haven't even got to know anything about her. If you don't 'plan' on getting to know her," Louis said whith quotation marks in the air "we will 'plan' it for you!"

"Fine! I will try to get to know her, but after I do I will never ever talk to that little bitch again. Besides, I have T-Swift as a Fake girlfriend!"

"Ok, Harry just be friends with Ron. I think you two.....y'all.....could be real good friends. And she likes me and Zayn!" Pipped in Niall.

"Ok well I have to leave, Taylor wants coffee."

"Ewwwww, why do you hang out with that ratchet ugly monster!" Louis yelped in disgust

"Guys, SHUT UP! I don't Jude you because of your girlfriends now bye! Tell me what me and this Veronica chic have to do to get to know each other!"

Well that went well. Now I have to find something to do.... Because even I think Taylor swift is a ratchet ugly monster!

•Ron's P.O.V.•

WOW. Just wow. All of those boys were dick holes except for Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis. Well that just leaves Harry! But I was kinda disappointed when he said those things to me...each time he called me such rude names it felt like a dagger to the heart. I thought we had some sort of connection on stage, but clearly not! He kinda made me insecure...and I know EXACTLY what for. (WMYB!!!)

Me and My Runber Duck Butts went out to eat at my favorite restaurant...McDONALDS!!  

ha. ha. ha. just kidding. We went to my house to celebrate my new tittle in the music industry! My brother, Carter, barbqued while the rest of us played football. Since I was multi-talented, Alan made me line backer AND quarter back! Like that's impossible.. The line backer is supposed to block the other team from the QB! But since in awesome! My team won! After I scarfed down 2 hamburgers, 7 hot dogs, and 5 ribs me and the gang went upstairs to help pack up my stuff. Tomorrow I would be moving in with Zayn and Niall while the apartment across the little ally way was Liam, Louis, and that douch bag named Harry. Simon explained to me and my Mum that I would fly to Londen and move in, tomorrow. It was planed that I stayed in their rental home tonight but my mommy saved the day saying she wanted one more day with me, Carter, and my friends before I became overnight famous.


"O-Kay I think that's it besides your suitcase and carry on" said Carter after all my friends went home and the moving guys took my stuff away.

"Thanks bro, I'm going to you Alan and mum SO much."

"I know I know little race car driver, it will be sad with just me and mom, but we will come in visit you and now that your famous the NHL or NFL will notice me!"

"WOW missing me so much already?" I looked up laughing at me 19 year old brother carter. He was the only father figure in my life since I've never meet my dad. Carter was always there for me, he would always stand up for me....he would take a bullet for me.

"We'll you would probably out do me if we both tried out for the NHL an NFL. You are WAY better at hockey and football than anyone I've ever seen play."

"CARTER! I'm leaving in less than 24 hours and all you can talk about is me being good at football and hockey?!?"

"Correction all i can talk about is how you are amazing* at football and hockey! I'm JUST KIDDING but let's go. Me and the boys are taking you to your favorite place....the carnival!"


•Harry's P.O.V.•

I needed an excuse to go hang out at the pub.

*****8 bottles of beer later***

"Hey...Harry" A very sexy girl suductively spoke to me.

"Hey what's your name." I said pushing up her against the cold wall.


"Well Jesse are you rest for the night of your life?"

"No...."I was taken back by her answer. Girls always wanted to come home with me... "Harry....I'm Taylor Swift's best friend..."

Oh shit.

"So? She won't mind!"fuck you styles why did you say that!

"Harry?!?" No, This is not good...

"Hey Taylor, how's it going?" 


A/N: hey guys I'm so so sorry I'm in Houston for a volleyball tournament so I haven't been able to update.




Love y'all



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