Chapter 15: Dude...He's gay

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Veronica's POV

I had everything on and was ready to go. Just as I put on the last touch of makeup, Louis came into the room and smiled. "Your boyfriend is waiting for you." I blushed and thanked him. I quickly slipped on my heels and went downstairs, taking every step carefully and slowly so that I wouldn't trip and get injured. When I was in sight, Harry looked up from down below. His eyes seemed to brighten and his face lit up in that smug way that said, this girl is mine. When I reached the final step, Harry extended his hand out to grab mine.

When he took my hand in his, I saw something falter in his smile and his eyes went dimmer. Damn, he's noticing how skinny I am. I just looked at him with happy but confused eyes. "You look beautiful Veronica." He whispered into my ear. I could see the other boys peeping around the corner, Niall even taking a picture of us. I smirked and waved goodbye to them making them shriek and hide out of sight for good. Harry looked dashing in an elbow length white button up shirt, black dress pants and shoes, and his hair styled up and over.

I noticed how the top few buttons on his shirt were left open exposing the top of his chest. "You look dashing." I smiled at him. He grinned and led us to the car waiting outside for us. "I should say the same for you." I blushed and sat down swiftly into the front seat. He closed the door behind me and made his way to the drivers side. "Where are we going?" I asked with a silly smile on. He shook his index finger at me and grinned. "Not telling." I huffed and slinked down into the leather seat, watching the city pass by.

I realized we were finally at the restaurant when Harry pulled up to a fancy looking place and a man took the car off to valet parking. Wow, this was nothing like Texas. Harry took my hand again and led us to the front, the waiter obviously recognizing him and leading us to the only table set up in the restaurant. "Mr. Styles." He said politely, but he looked down on me with a scowl. Harry didn't seem to notice it though as he was looking at the menu. "We'll have a bottle of Pinot Grigio." Harry said kindly and handed the wine menu to the mean waiter.

I didn't say anything about it to Harry, it's was our anniversary, I didn't want to spoil it. The waiter came back and gave us our wine. He frowned upon me as he handed me my dinner menu, Harry still not noticing. I looked up at the waiter with and 'are-you-serious' face. He scowled and left to the kitchen. I quickly picked out fettuccine alfredo and took a huge gulp of my wine. Why was the waiter so mean to me? I mean yeah he was kinda cute when he was angry, considering he looked around our age and all, but still.

"You okay? You look a bit stressed." Harry stated. I smiled and moved my hands in a crazy motion. "There's just so much on the menu I don't know what to chose!" Harry nodded in agreement and smiled. "What are you having then?" "Fettuccine Alfredo, you?" He took one last look at the menu and grinned, "I think I'll have the same as you." I smiled and looked helplessly into his eyes, his hand grabbing my small one and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

He leaned over the table to kiss my lips, his lips barely hovering over mine. "May I take your order now?" The waiter seethed out. Harry pulled back as his lips went to a straight line. He forced a fake smile out and nodded. "Yes, we'll both have the fettuccine please." The waiters eyes softened at his words, oh holy shit the dudes gay! (HELL YEAH) He nodded and scribbled it down, rushing back to the kitchen once more. "Now where were we?" Harry smirked.

When our food had finally arrived from the mean waiter, I had noticed how he set down Harry's plate softly and lingered there, but he basically threw my plate down. "Enjoy." He said sarcastically directing it towards me. "So tour is coming up." Harry pointed out. I stopped eating and set down my fork. "When." I asked softly. "A week. You need to start packing." I nodded and gently picked up my fork to resume eating. "Are you okay? You seem...spaced out now." I nodded with a blank stare.

"We're leaving so soon." In reality, I was terrified. I'd never been good with traveling...or preforming in front of millions of people. "Baby, it's okay." Harry got up and crouched down beside me, taking my hands in his and wiping away a tear that had managed to fall without my noticing. I shook my head and smiled. "I'm just nervous is all." I'm pretty sure I just ruined everything. In a few minutes though, Harry was laughing and talking cheering me up again.

In what seemed like seconds, we had managed to polish off our plates and a plate if chocolate cake. When the check came, I excused myself to run to the bathroom real quick. As I left, I was slammed against the wall by the waiter. "Listen here whore, I don't care who you think you are but Harry will be mine. I know he will. So you can go back to crappy old Texas. You're not meant to be here and no one even likes you. Now go be with your 'boyfriend' you slut."

He let me go and hurried off into the restaurant. I was panting and tears began to fall. Did no one really like me? Harry came down the hall a few minutes later calling my name, "Veronica? Veronic-oh my god!" Harry rushed forward and held me in his arms. "Veronica what's happened?" He asked in a soothing voice. "Does no on like me?" He shook his head. "Of course everyone loves you. I love you! The boys love you, your family loves you, fans love you.

I nodded and let him carry me to the car. Just as we passed the waiter, he had smirked at me and given me an evil glint in his eyes. I just clung onto Harry more and let him drive us back home.

We lay in his bed later as usual, one of his tees on me and his arms wrapped around me as we stared at the ceiling. "Do you really love me?" I asked out of random. Harry pet my hair and kissed my forehead our eyes still staring up. "Yes. I do. I love you to the end of the world and back." I smiled and paced my hand on his chest. "I love you too." Harry grinned and suddenly rolled on top of me. "Oh you do now?" I laughed and nodded, leaning up to kiss his lips.

With my free hand, not on his back, I reached up and tugged on his necklace, pulling him down further into the kiss. We broke away for air, but returned quickly with a wet smack of our lips. His kissed trailed down my jaw and neck, searching for my sweet spot. Just under the ear, I let out a breathy moan and ran my hands through his curly locks, tugging on them a bit. "Found it." He whispered and began to suck and nip at the sensitive skin. Just as we began to go further, Harry's hands sneaking up my his shirt, the door opened.

"Hey I thought we could-OH MY GOD OH MY OH MY GOD AH, ZAYN ZAYN OH MY GOD ZAYYYN!" Niall cried out and slammed the door. His calls of Zayn and Liam sounded through the door as the footsteps of them now could be heard. Harry was still frozen on top of me as the boys came in. "What is this about- OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY NIALL NIALL OH MY GOD!" They all rushed out and closed the door. "NEXT TIME YOU WANT TO HAVE SEX WAIT TILL WE'RE GONE YOU SICK NATSY FUCKS!" Niall screamed.

"Niall we aren't having sex come on! We've only even together one month!" I exclaimed. "Oh." We heard Niall say. "Well when you are done with whatever you are doing, we're watching a" I giggled. "Yeah we'll be out." Harry groaned. He nuzzled his face in my neck, his hand running quickly over me lower area. "Harry!" I moaned. "NO! UH UH! EHHH!" We heard Zayn squeal. I giggled and slapped Harry away.

"Come on, lets go watch a movie."

Harry's POV 2 hours later

Veronica was sleeping soundly on my chest as the movie credits played before us. The other lads were sleeping soundly. I pet Veronica's hair and smiled as she sighed contently in her sleep and snuggled into me. I picked up her light body in my arms bridal style and took her up to my room. I gently laid her on my bed, more like our bed, and smiled down at her. I kissed the top of her head and lay next to her.

"Harry?" She mumbled softly. "Yes?" I whispered and pulled her into my bare chest. "I love you." She said a few moments later. I buried my face in her .neck and grinned. "I love you too." She giggled and snuggled more in my chest, kissing it lightly. "Goodnight baby." I said softly and kissed her again. "Goodnight..." She mumbled back. "Goodnight..."

And done


hey guys sorry for the slow updates it summer so ...yea haha anyways please share this book with all your friends in twitter tumblr Instagram like people still use that!

haha ok please




haha ok ily guysss

kisses- Gabs

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