Chapter 11

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Your POV:
When I woke up the next day, the room was empty. It felt weird for me and at one point I think I even wondered how I actually got to Tohru's room. Then I remembered last night. Hatori... Shaking my head, I went downstairs to see Shigure sat under a kotatsu but everyone had already left.

"Huh? Did I sleep in?" I ask.

"Mhm. Tohru said not to wake you. Plus didn't Hatori tell you to rest?" Shigure said.

"Mhm. But I can't skip again." I say before retreating back upstairs.

Then I remembered. I didn't have any clothes. Guess school really was off the table for me today. Sighing, I find my keys and head back to my apartment, letting Shigure know I was coming back in about half an hour. Once I got home, I took a quick shower and changed before grabbing my purse and heading to the convenience store nearby. Valentines was on the weekend and since I wasn't at school today, I thought I'd make some.

Once I headed back to Shigure's, I started making valentine's for everyone before hiding them in the little gift bags to hand out. Each decorated with a different animal. After a while, everyone returned home. And Kagura was with them for some reason.

"There's no couple here." I heard Kyo say.

"Kyo, cut the commentary." Shigure said.

"Damnit, I should've fought my way out this morning." Kyo said.

Oh. He wanted to avoid Kagura for Valentine's Day.

"So, did you give him chocolates?" Shigure asked Kagura.

"Nope. I came today to invite him out. Let's spend the day together tomorrow, okay? I want to give you your chocolates tomorrow, too..." Kagura said.

"Say what?!" Kyo said.

"Wow! Does this mean it'll be a date?" Tohru said.

She'd come into the kitchen to make drinks and saw me packaging some things into little gift bags. She'd asked what it was but I said it was a secret. I was going to hand them out later since I hadn't actually made one for Kagura... I'd only had a conversation with her once and I was completely in the blue on how she'd react.

"O-Oh, Tohru, you're so silly!" Kagura said.

"No way. Nope, not going." Kyo said.

"We're doing this." Kagura said, suddenly sounding creepy.

"I said no! Why should I have to do that?! And with you!" Kyo argued.

"You're so mean... Would it kill you to be a little nicer?" Kagura said, crying.

"Don't cry!" Kyo said.

"Sheesh. If you're going to flirt, could you do it somewhere else?" Shigure said.

"Why, you-!" Kyo said.

"I know! How about this? We'll bring Yun-chan and Tohru and make it a double date!" Kagura offers.

"Hey, nice idea!" Shigure said.

"I know, right?" Kagura said.

"W-Wait a second!" Yuki said.

"I'm not going out with damn Yuki!" Kyo argued.

"Wow! I-I-I've never been on a date before! Y-You wouldn't mind?!" Tohru said, sounding extremely happy.

"Fine, whatever." Kyo said, eventually giving in.

I heard Kyo arguing with Shigure on the doorstep before I saw him run off. Sighing, I decided to chase after him. Even if Hatori told me to rest. I headed into the forest, trying to find him. Until I eventually saw him sat in a clearing by himself.

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