Chapter 12

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Your POV:
After finding out Momiji was a lot older than both of us had originally thought, we'd split our own separate ways and before long, it was spring. Which sadly meant a new term. And here I was secretly hoping I could just skip school entirely. But no. I can't. I'm now a second year. Meaning I have junior's looking up to me. How exciting (!)

"The new first-years were adorable! You three should have come to the opening ceremony to see them." Tohru exclaimed.

"Not worth it." Kyo said.

"Rather not be surrounded by people. Let alone people younger than me." I sigh.

"I'm already in hay fever hell here. I'd blow a fuse for real if I had to sit out there with no escape." Uotani, Tohru's friend, said.

"Why'd you think I hate sitting at the back?" I sigh again.

"Just take some medicine." Kyo said to Uotani.

"It doesn't work. Maybe I took too many drugs in my reckless youth..." Uotani said.

"What "drugs" are you talking about?" Kyo asked.

"Anyway, where's the prince?" Uotani asked, changing the subject.

"He's still busy with his work on the ceremony committee." Tohru answered.

"Huh, sounds rough. I bet he's getting first-year love attacks right off the bat. The prince might end up student council president this year. The current president's got some issues anyway." Uotani replied.

After that, I took a glance out the window and saw a black car pulling onto school grounds. Tohru seemed to notice as well but my face dropped when I saw who got out of the car. Why of all people are they here?

Uotani then sneezed, causing me and Tohru to look at her. I mean, I guess it was distracting me from what I saw outside.

"Here." Tohru said, handing Uotani a handkerchief.

"Thanks." Uotani replied.

"No problem." Tohru replied.

"Tohru? I picked up waves from the guardian seating that seemed to be Shigure's..." Hanajima called.

"Oh, yes, he's here. Some new Somas entered as first-years!" Tohru replied.

"Idiot." Hanajima said.

"Hold on, you're saying there are more Somas here now?" Uotani asked.

"Yes, two boys. One of them was at the culture festival." Tohru said.

"Kyon, go get them." Uotani said.

Causing me to snicker at the nickname.

"Yes. Bring them here." Hanajima said.

"Why me?! Just send her! You're planning to go say hi anyway, I bet." Kyo argued back, pointing at Tohru.

"Yes, I am!" Tohru replied.

"Why should Tohru be troubled with such errands?" Hanajima asked, a scary aura surrounding her.

"But troubling me is fine?!" Kyo argued.

"Yep." Uotani said, siding with Hanajima.

"U-Um, I really was planning to say hello, so it's completely fine. But would you like to come with me, Kyo? Y/N?" Tohru said.

"Come on, why should I have to see them even at school?" Kyo replied.

"Sadly, I side with Kyo. I could go and visit them both whenever I wanted." I sigh.

"It might feel a little different seeing them at school! It could be fun!" Tohru said.

"See you later!" Tohru said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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