Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Kipp -

Brushing off the imaginary dirt on my shoulder, I walk towards the outer balconies situated around the palace. Meeting with Aeja had gone downhill fast. I was foolish enough to expect her to jump into my arms with a freshly polished helmet hiding a genuine smile underneath. Shaking my head hard, the realization of my embarrassing actions hit me like a rampant mythosaur. Of course, she would be mad at me, I know I would if I had been in her situation. She hasn't seen me in five whole years, with no communication whatsoever, and not to mention, I was away much longer than originally intended.

It wasn't my fault! I was in an unknown region of the galaxy, yet explored. My comlink was destroyed and my hologram wasn't working. There was no way to communicate with her as I tried to find a way back home. A slight cough drew me out of my spiraling thoughts. In my flustered state, I had neglected to check my surroundings. I turned from the view to find myself in the presence of the queen's consort, Din Djarin. "Sir, I didn't see you! What can I do for you?" I tried to mask the residual embarrassment in my tone.

It didn't work. "I overheard the conversation you had with Aeja a minute ago."

"Oh... You heard that?" I chuckled nervously.

"What are you planning?" he stepped closer to me, "Don't lie to me, I can hear that embarrassed tone."

He certainly makes an impression as the queen's consort. "Sir, I wasn't planning anything beyond greeting her and if possible, giving her a hug-" I kicked myself as I said the last part.

Din Djarin never approved of physical affection from what I've seen. I could be wrong but when I was around him, he barely talked with his kids or wife. I vaguely wondered how that went over with Bo Katan as I braced for impact. I was overreacting. Din stiffened slightly, though his response remained cool and collective. "You've greeted her and now you may move on. There are no plans for attachment between the two of you. She's pledged to another."

Pledged to another?! "You may stay for the time being since you've traveled far. We'll provide hospitality as you are our guest. This is the Way." he bowed his head slightly.

Reluctantly, I returned to the ideal as my brain screamed, 'THIS SHOULDN'T BE THE WAY'! Din stayed motionless for a few minutes before giving a slow nod and turning around, likely to go and rant to his wife. Watching his receding figure, my mind retreated back to the memories of when Aeja and I were children. In those days I didn't think much of the way I was treated but now that I reflect, Din Djarin seemed like a monster. Someone who would order a whipping to a nine-year-old boy and leave his daughter with a simple warning.

He was tall, menacing, and silent. To any child, especially me, I was terrified.

"No, it's not! Don't you want justice for what they did?!"

"You and I have different views of justice."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're mistaking law for justice. Justice is an ideal whereas law is a tool."

"I don't understand."

"We broke one of the tents, trespassing. I know you are the princess of Mandalore but everyone must follow the laws set before us, even the royal family. The punishment was righteous and we deserved it."

Justice is an ideal and law is just a tool. I sighed, looking out over the civilization. Why did I leave this? Just for a stupid dream? Figuring out where I belong? Every clue I found led me to a dead end. I'll never find my clan, I'll never find my father and I'll never get a second chance with Aeja.

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