Chapter 10: Courting

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Aeja -

"Naasad'guur mhi, naasad'guur mhi, naasad'guur mhi. Mhi n'ulu, mhi Mando'ade, kandosii'ade. Teh Manda'yaim, mando'ade~" Eros sang to Rue who cuddled in his lap.

Even though she was eight years old, she loved her brother and had been addicted to his bedtime stories and songs since she was little. It's been a habit for the two of them. "You know that's a drinking chant right?" I whispered to Eros as Rue fell into the deep abyss of sleep.

"I'm running out of songs." he chuckled lightly.

I giggled. I kissed his cheek and slowly walked out of the room. "Where are you heading? It's getting late."

"A date." I winked. "Hold the fort down while I'm gone."

"Usually you ask Grogu to do that."

"Grogu's working on his training so you're next in line. I'll see you later." I blew him a kiss and carefully walked out of the room and into the hall.

"Where are you going?" a muffled voice questioned.

Shebs. I turn around. "Hello, buir." I fake a smile.

"Care to answer the question?"

"A walk."

 Father stared me down as he walked closer to me. His face was hidden by his helmet. "You need to learn to speak the truth, ad'ika."

I huffed. "Fine. I was asked to go on a picnic. Within fortress grounds, mind you."

"With whom?"

"You're not going to scold me?"

"Aeja." he sighed.

"Fine fine fine. Kipp asked me."

"I see."

"Where are you ending?" I smirked, "If you're looking for the Mand'alor's chambers it's that way."

"I know very well where it is at." he chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

The two of us walked down the hall. "You escorting me?"

"It's high time that I thank the boy for saving my daughter's life from danger."

"Even though you know I can hold my own." I tease.

"We're all just as helpless. I've been saved by your mother plenty of times." he laughed slowly.

"Oh?" I giggled.

"First time I met her, she saved me and Grogu from Quarren sailors. They try feeding us to a Mamacore. The second time was in the mines of Mandalore before all was restored. I was captured by a cyborg-like being and she came to my rescue. The third time was a little embarrassing."

"Do tell," I smirked.

"The two of us went to the living waters. Just as I was reciting my vows, I go under."

"You sunk?"

"The chasm was a little deeper than I thought. She jumped in and saved me."

"Seems like you've had quite the adventure with buir."

"Indeed I did."

We walked out into the gardens to find Kipp waiting. He was startled by my father's appearance. Kipp straightened himself up and held out his hand to my father. "Take care of her," Father states.

"Yes sir." he smiled and bowed his head.

"I want none of that wamp rat business."

"Father," I muttered.

"Trust me, sir, I would never."

"Good to hear."

Father walks off with his crimson cape drifting in the quiet wind. "Sorry," I whispered.

"Don't be. He has every right to be cautious."

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Take a seat." he gestured.

The two of us sat down. The stars sparkled over the night sky and flowers glowed beautiful neon colors. Vormurs were blossoming this time of year and they smelled lovely. Kipp handed me a meiloorun. "Thanks, Kipp." I took a bite as I stared out. "Last time we were in the garden this late you were telling me you were leaving."

"Yes." he nodded his head and cleared his throat. "About that. I'm sorry Aeja. I never meant to hurt you."

"I know. We've talked this over. It's not your fault Kipp."

He hesitated. "I shouldn't have left you. My mind keeps coming back to that day I lost you. I thought I could find what I was looking for." he broke eye contact. "My clan... they're all gone. I don't understand why I'm the last and there are no clues as to where I come from or who my parents are. I just have this book I was left. Aeja..."

"Kipp," my hand pressed against his cheek and turned his head back. "I'm here. We're in this together. We'll find your family. We'll find where you are from. Together." I smiled, brushing a few tear stains from his cheeks.

He nodded his head. "What of Ragnar?"

I sighed, "I am good friends with Ragnar and I was willing to marry him for benefits. Not for love. Kipp, I really love you. When you came back, wounds opened up and it hurt but after the talk and the rescue. I found that I still have feelings for my dear friend."

Kipp's lips formed a smile. "I still have feelings for you as well burcyan."

The two of us locked eyes. Kipp's head moved closer to mine, slowly by each inch until our mouths locked. My arms wrapped around his neck and his arms around my back, pulling me onto his lap. Our kiss was full of passion and love. We were so focused and full force that Kipp fell backward. The two of us laughed. I rested my head against his chest as we looked up at the stars. "I don't want this to end," I whispered.

"Oh cyare, trust me. I've dreamed of this moment."

"Just the two of us kissing?" I laughed.

"That and spending our life together."

"You need to talk with my parents."

"Yeah, I know."

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