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A/N: I have a huge block (I woul've said writers block but I'm not a writer) and I'm writing what feels right.. In Europe we have this thing called eurovision where all the countries of europe compete in a singing competition.. Now this has nothing to do with the actual singing, the countries near eachother always vote for eachother and give the highest of points, everybody wants Russia to loose (sorry if anybody is Russian, I voted for u guy's) and then, this year, Australia was invitet for some reason... I wrote differently from how I normally would.. tell me if you like it :D


Castiel POV

The Eurovision final is today and Castiel would give anything to watch it. He had lured Dean to come over and watch Star Treck but insted he would be watcjing an kareoke show full of rainbows and politics.

After many seconds of trying to get through the system so that he could watch it live he found a one minute countdown. He graciously took some beer bottles, popcorn and some left over pixxa from under his bed and waited anxiously until it started.





Dean came panting and hurried to the bed when he saw a bearded lady on the screen.

"What is this?" He asked curiously while taking a mouthfull of popcorn.


Dean gave Castiel an confused look before shrugging and looking back at the screen.

*TIME SKIP 20min*

Castiel had his head on Dean's shoulder while Dean was watching the competition nervously.

"Damn, Sweden is good.. And I would'nt mind some of that" He said while taking a small sip of his beer. "When is it Americas turn?" Castiel's head suddenly shook and he slapped Dean playfully on his tanned, muscular arms.

"Dean, rule number one of Eurovision is that there is NO AMERICA IN IT"

"But Austalia-"

"No butts... Australia is special"

Castiel put his head on Dean's shoulder and started nibbeling on his neck. Dean glared at him and shushing him whilst pointing at the screen.

"Never has anybody ever shushed me-"

Castiel was cought off by a pair of lips and he instantly replied. Dean pulled away and pointed back at the damn screen.



The artist representating Australia, Guy Sebastian, winked at the swedish pop star Måns Zelmerlöw and he returned the gesture.

"YESS, THIS IS MY COUNTRY OTP" Dean shouted whilst throwing his fist in the air, he was shaking with nervousitivity and the voting was making him nervous.

"Let's wait for Swedens votes, yeah?" Castiel said while trying to calm him down. It's the first time he's ever heard of this and likes it more than me, Castiel thought.

"CAS, IT'S SWEDENS TUURN" He whined/shouted.

"And 12 points go to........................ AUSTRALIA!"

Måns Zelmerlöw shouted in happines and waved at the Australian booth infront of him.

"OTP, OTP, OTP, OTP" Dean shouted as tears of joy were leaking out of his eyes.

"Damn, call Charlie so that you can let it out" Castiel said while kissing Dean on the cheek. Dean embraced the Eurovision kulture and when Sweden won he even thankd God and Satan.

"This is something to tell the grandchildren and when we get married we will-" Dean put his hand over his mouth realising what he just had said. Neither had asked if they even were boyfriends yet but they both loved eachother deeply.

"Dean, we can plan that later but for now you can be my boyfriend"

Castiel gave Dean a long hug and a passionate kiss. They laid there watching videos of all the Eurovision partisipants from earlier years.

"Will Conchita Wurst be in Sweden next year?" Dean asked curiously.

"No don't think so but we sure know that Eurovision will be held in som IKEA"

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