Part 4: "Shanghaied."

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"While Rocky, Phil and I were asleep, the two strangers had tied up and gagged the pilot and had locked him in a closet."

That should hold him brother. Then it is time for a change of plans. The two of them had now taken over the plan. Where we heading for. No clue?

The next morning, our pal Phil had gotten up to use the bathroom. He had unscrewed his head then popped it back into place and had gone to use the restroom.

And when he had come back out he saw that he was walking in the air saw both me and Rocky floating in the air. And saw clouds rushing up. That Phil smile as he rushes and shouted happily.

Brian! Rocky! Wick up! Phil, Rocky said. Go back to sleep. But Mr. Sun is up. Well tell him to go back to sleep. We are here. Phil. I said. What are you talking about? Looking Brian.

I had look out my window and not only saw the clouds rushing up but I had notice something else. Um, Rocky. What? Are we floating? We had quickly rush to alert the pilot only to find.

Ah! I had screamed. No one is flying the plan. And it looks like someone had sabotage the controls. Rocky had stated. And I had realized at that moment. Hey, where did those two guys go?

They must have done this while we were all sleeping. But how did they get off the plane and what did they do with the pilot? Then there had came a loud sound from the back of the plane.

We had followed it and it was coming from a closet. And as we had open it up. It's the pilot. But why is he all tied up? Because, Rocky told Phil. The two strangers must have tied him up and then lock him in here.

You're not wrong there. The pilot said as I was untiring him. I was flying the plane when out of nowhere, those two little ghosts had tie me up like some kind of rodeo animal and then just locked me in the closet.

Well, I said. Their nowhere to be found. They must have hijacked the plane and then once they reach their destination they must have jumped ship.

And it looks like they have taken two of the parachutes. Rocky had pointed out. How does the cockpit look? Trashed. I answered him. Okay, everyone remain calm. There is no need to panic.

The pilot is right. I told the guys. We need to stay calm. Fear and panic is out enemy. We must stay strong and we shall overcome. But while I was saying this. The door was open wide.

What the heck. Hey, guys. Phil said to us. The pilot is gone. And he took the last parachute. Rocky said. And I look at my reflection in a mirror and he said to me as he waved good bye.

It was nice knowing you pal. Okay, now we can panic. We were all screaming for our lives as the plane was falling faster and faster to the earth.

Phil had asked us. What do we do? We need to get off this plane before we go splat. And I think I know how. I had rush back to grab our bags. Had reach into mines and pulled out as I shouted.

Bingo. In my hand was a large. A square. Rocky said confused. And it's a big box. It's now a. But Rocky could not finish explain it to Phil. Brian, how is that going to help us?

Like this. I had pushed a button on it and it had transformed into a. Tada. Say hello, my new hoverboard. You actually got it to work. I sure did. And this thing will get us safely down to the ground.

You sure? One hundred percent. I built it to hold up to three people and I have tested 22 times. It will work. Unless anyone here wants to see if they can fly. I think I can jump it guys.

We look and saw Phil almost about to jump out the door. But we grabbed him while screaming. No, Phil. And we had pulled him back inside. Hoverboard it is. Rocky said.

We had all gotten onboard. Put on our helmets and had went blasting out the door and into the sky. I thought you said that this was a hoverboard Brian. Okay so it's really a rocketboart.

It's still cool, pal. And at least we made out without crashing. I had spoken to soon because, my board had started to beep.

Brian. What is that? Oh, that sound lets me know what much percent the engine is one. Or on how much gas is in the tank. But don't worry I charged this thing long time ago. It's on. What the heck? 2 percent.

But it was at a hundred before. Uh oh. That is when I had realized. Um, what uh oh? Before I had let Phil barrow it. Phil, you did recharge this after you finish using it, right?

And Phil had responded by telling us. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. I just remember that I didn't. Oh no. Rocky said. Loser. Said my board's voice as it shown us a red :-(. And all I could say was.

Bye, bye folkes. And like a rock we had all went dropping out of the sky. Falling and falling until. Boom! We had crash hard into the ground. Typical cartoon style. Into a crater.

While we could hear a loud crashing/booming sound. Oh, we were groaning. Meowza Wowza. What a fall. Can we do that again. Phil ask us, but what we told him was.

No! And you are never borrowing my rocketboart ever again. You shouldn't have even let him borrow it the first time. Rocky told me. Your right Rocky, I shouldn't have.

Hey, look! Said Phil pointing. It's the pilot. Glad to see that you fellas are okay. He said waving at us from up in the sky. At least until a gust of wind had blown him away out of sight.

Well, we found him. But where the heck are we? I'm guessing somewhere in India. What makes you think that Brian. Well for one the town over there. And second the Taj mahal looking building right behind us.

I am going to go on a limb here say that, I think that we must be in Catmendoom. And you want to know something else. I get why it is call that. Why is it called that, Brian? Phil had asked me.

Because it seems to be home to some Demicats. You can tell that just by looking at the Palace in town. Nope. Then how do you that. Because of the guard standing right behind you Rocky.

Both Phil and Rocky had turn around and we saw four black panther guard pointing sort and Spears at us. Oh, said Rocky. I see your point buddy.

Um, what's up guards? I ask them. Sorry about crashing on your front lawn. Any chance we can talk this out? If their Spears and swords weren't pointing at us before they now were.

I'll take that as a no. Take them to the Maharajan. One of the guards had ordered. And they had grabbed each of us and we're dragging us inside.

Brian the Cat: The adventure begins. by John Fritz.Where stories live. Discover now