part two

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I wake up wondering where I am I'm tied up and I'm gagged not knowing where I am I start crying non stop wanting my husband I can't even move because the ropes are too tight  Roman and Drew start their match Roman tries to win the match but Drew is too strong for Roman to beat him and Drew ends up winning the match.
Drew: Roman take me to my wife now Roman: no your not a real man.
Drew: yes I am I'm the better man for Haley not you so take me to my wife Roman right now before I call the police on you
Dean and Seth: Roman if we were you we wouldn't say no to Drew thanks to you we don't know where our sister is
Drew: she is in the arena basement
Dean and Seth: we will keep Roman busy Drew go and save our sister
Drew: don't worry I will

I get rescued by Drew McIntyreWhere stories live. Discover now