part five

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I finally wake up and the first thing I notice is that I'm sitting in a chair I try to move but I can't then I realized that I'm tied to the chair my hands are tied behind my back and my ankles are tied to the chair I found out that I have a rag in my mouth and I have duck tape on my mouth I start screaming and then Roman comes in
Roman: good your up Roman rips the duck tape off my mouth and I spit the rag out my mouth
Me: why are you doing this Roman
Roman: I want to marry me and if you don't I will kill your and Drew's babies
Me: jokes on you I'm not having mine and Drew's babies until he saves me and when he does save me I'm having him call the police on you
Drew: Haley where are you Drew looks for me then he sees the note Roman left
Drew: no Roman kidnapped Haley again Drew calls Sheamus and Finn
Drew: Sheamus I need you
Sheamus: what happened mate
Drew: Roman kidnapped Haley and she is pregnant she could give birth anytime now and I don't want Roman to kill the babies
Sheamus: I know where Roman lives he lives next door to you and Haley I like Haley as my sister I will help you save her from Roman
Drew: thanks mate I have to call Finn
Drew: Finn I need your help with something
Finn: what happened Drew Roman kidnapped Haley and she is pregnant she could give birth anytime now plus Roman wants to marry Haley but Haley said no and I think Roman drugged Haley and Roman could kill the babies once Haley has them
Finn: I know exactly where Roman lives
Drew: Sheamus said he lives next door to me and Haley okay let's go save Haley.

I get rescued by Drew McIntyreWhere stories live. Discover now