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Peach was in Bowsers castle. It wasn't HORRIBLE, but it was far from what she desired. She liked Mario, not Bowser. Peach had tried to explain this to Bowser, but it was always just an awkward rant that Bowser barely paid any mind to.

Peach knew Mario was going to get her, but he was taking a while. It usually only took 2 or so days, but it had been a 5 day wait. Peach would often just sit in the room that she was in, and think about Mario. Oh Mario. He was just a good guy, he had looks, morals, smarts, and guts.

And then there was Luigi.

Luigi was... An interesting character to Peach. Sure, he was an awesome dude, but you couldn't help but to feel bad for him. He was a good guy, a great friend even, but he wasn't as bright or as brave as his brother and not nearly as handsome, sure good looking, best put as pretty or cute. More feminine than anything...

Luigi was basically inseparable from Mario. He loved his dear brother, but Mario needs his space too. And he never really left Luigi's side, or vise versa.

She thought that maybe it has something to do with his fears. Unlike Mario with his near fearlessness, Luigi was a very shy and wimpy guy. Not that it was a bad thing, but it for sure drew Luigi to Mario, besides the brotherly bond they had.

Peach didn't like being alone with her thoughts, as she didn't like feeling bad for the brother, nor herself, but she wished she could've been when Bowser entered the room.

"What do you want Koopa." Peach snapped.
Bowser walked into the room that was designed just for Peach. It was a black room, with red highlights, but it had stuff that Peach enjoyed inside. He didn't say anything on his way in, instead he just stared in front of himself, not bothering to look at Peach.

He sat down on the floor next to Peach, causing the princess to inch away. Bowser then spoke.

"I don't think you're gonna like this, but I think you'll grow on it. I want you to marry me. And I was thinking we could have the wedding be held tomorrow."

Peach's eyes grew wide as she processed what the Koopa had said.
"No?" Said Bowser, still looking forward instead of at Peach.
"No. NO! I'm NOT marrying you!"
Peach raised her voice just high enough that it wasn't a scream, but instead a VERY stern answer.

A second after Peach's double down attempt, Bowser got up, walking towards the door, meanwhile not even glancing at Peach.
Before leaving the room, Bowser just turned around. Then he said 6 words that made Peach's veins freeze, or boil, depending on how you look at it.

"Who said you had a choice."

The Koopa then left the now very pissed off Princess.

A while later in that same day, near nighttime, Peach got off of her red bed that sat under a window. Not that the window was reachable, as the room was more like a tower. A small tower. The window was easily 10 feet up there, and it let in just enough sunlight that Peach could just feel better about the position she was in.

She decided that if Mario and Luigi weren't here in the morning, she would attempt to breach the chain on her leg, and just run, and try not to stop, no matter what Koopa threatened her or attempted to hurt her.

Peach went over to her closet, the chain on her leg connected to her bed barely let her even get there, so she had to pull the bed a bit to get there. She then took off the dress Bowser insisted she wear to look formal, ( or likely just to slow her down from running had she tried.)

After taking off the dress, she put on a simple white tank top. She then pressed a blue button that was basically just her needing Bowsers help with the lock, and it was so that she could change pants.

Bowser X Luigi Where stories live. Discover now