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Finally, Bowser and Peach had gotten to where they were heading.

Peach's eyes darted across the room she was in. It seemed as if this room was like a prison room or something to that extent, but it was furnished. A room like the one she had been in, but with less more care, if that makes sense.

Then she saw a bed, but with a chain, like hers, attached to it. The chain led under the bed.

"Why am I here?" Peach asked Bowser.

"Well apparently someone had come looking for you, and I caught them." Bowser was clearly pissed about being in this room, with whomever was under the bed.

"Mario?" Peach asked, scared as to what the answer was.

"No. The taller dude. Luigi I think his name is."

Peach glanced under the bed. And saw the plumber shaking in fear. Not like the shaking he normally did when scared, but full on TREMBLING. Violently shaking, almost like he was having a heart attack or something.

"Why am I here then?"

"I am not a horrible dude. He hasn't stopped shaking for the 3 ish days he's been in this room, so I am going to leave you here with him tonight. Just until the wedding tomorrow. I suppose you could consider this your bachelorette party."

"You are horrid Koopa."

"Don't try to flatter me Princess." Bowser replied sarcastically.

And with that, Bowser didn't bother to chain Peach up, but instead leave her to walk around the room, and he left.

"I-i-is he gone?!"

"Yes Luigi."

Luigi, still shaking, crawled from under the bed.

Princess Peach began pacing back and forth, bombarding Luigi with question after question.

"Where is Mario? Did he get captured too? Did you guys split up? Why has it taken him so long to get here?"

"I am sorry Princess, but I have no clue where Mario is, we split up when I ran ahead into the castle. I bet he has a plan to get us though."

"Well that's good to hear."


Mario had seen Bowser put Peach in the new room, as he had been hiding, waiting for a good chance to get Peach and Luigi.

When he knew no one was looking, he snuck over to the door the two were behind.


"Peach, Luigi?"

"Mario?!" Peach's eyes glowed from relief.

"Shh!" We need to whisper... I'm gonna get you guys out. Peach, Luigi, can one of you get to the door?"

"I can." Peach walked over to the door.
"What is it you want me to do?"

"Try lifting the door a little so I can get in. From under the crack"

Peach was strong for a girl, but the door was heavy. Either way, she got it up just enough that Mario could get in.

"Thank goodness. Way to go Peach!"

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway. It was Bowser.

As he walked in the door, he saw Mario, but he kind of had a feeling that was going to be seen anyway.

"So... Mario, was it? I knew I'd see you here eventually, so I came up with a proposal."

"What? What do you mean?"

Mario froze. He knew he had to play his cards right here, as he did NOT want to get locked up or killed.

"A trade, if you will. I say, your brother seems like a fine man. A nicer lover than Peach would make."

Mario understood what he meant, but acted oblivious.

"What do you mean? Please elaborate."

"What I MEAN is, how about you take the Princess, and I take Luigi to be my bride. It's either that, or -"

Bowser walked over to the chain, that still led under the bed and pulled out a now screaming Luigi.

"-I just kill him and take the Princess anyway."

Mario was now stuck in a position that he would've never wanted to be in.
Either sacrifice his brother to save both of them, or deny the trade, sentencing him to death, and gaining nothing at all.

Mario hesitated, and Luigi could see and appreciate that, and Peach loves that about Mario, that he wasn't trying to just let his brother be taken, but everyone in the room could see the clear choice that was needed to be made.

"Luigi? Is it okay if... I... You know..."

Luigi, still shaking and crying, nodded his head while in Bowser's grasp.

"Fine Koopa, we accept the first option."

Mario couldn't save them both from Bowser, but he could save one of them from death, and the other from a life of sadness.

Bowser grinned. He was happy with the choice made.

"What's this one's name." Bowser couldn't care less, but he knew it pissed Mario off that his brother was being treated like a pet.

"Luigi. And I swear to God, if you hurt him I will-"

"Relax, I have better plans for your brother."

Bowser set Luigi down again, and with that, Luigi swiftly crawled under the bed again.

The wedding is tomorrow, so all three of you should get to sleep. I say, if I find out any of you escaped before tomorrow, I will not hesitate to kill you all.

Bowser got up and left. The trio all said their goodnights, and went to sleep.


This one is a shorter chapter, at 944 words, but the next chapter will likely be longer, and I plan on posting it tonight or tomorrow.

Please comment if you want me to do a certain chapter, and I will listen and provide. The Koopalings will meet Luigi after the wedding, if that's what you are wondering.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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