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Well damn yall I wish I was at that wedding party getting lit everyone showed up to show out I see but our sweet Keyshawn haven't been feeling well since they gotten to Atlanta she didn't want to think she was pregnant but she can't hold nothing down so she called cliff to see if she wanted to go to the store with her

Key: Hey sis you up ?

Cliff: yes ma'am what's wrong ?

Key: don't say nothing but I think I'm pregnant 🤰

Cliff:ouuuu chile what if you is? How would you tell woddy?

Key: idk yet that's why I need to go to the store

Cliff: ok let me get my purse so we can go

Cliff looked around for her purse, murda caught her before she left

Murda: where you going cliff?

Cliff: if I told you , you won't understand right now

Murda: tell me what?

Murda: tell me what cliff?

Cliff: took a deep breath ok Keyshawn might be pregnant

Murda: oh shit! Foreal ? How she going to tell woddy?

Cliff: idk that's why we finna to go see now, please don't tell woddy

Murda: I won't baby ( he kissed Cliff and she headed out)

Key and cliff make it to the store key is so nervous because what if he ain't ready for kids yet? What am I thinking he loves my other kids why not

Cliff: key you ready?

Key: Yes I'm so nervous haven't been pregnant in a long time we shall see

Key peed on the clearblue stick and waited when she picked it up she and starting crying

Key: im pregnant sis!!!

Cliff : awh my sweet babygirl I'm so happy for you !! Now them babies going to have a sister or brother

Key: now I gotta figure out how to tell woddy

Back at the hotel murda ass wanted to tell woddy the big news cliff had just texted him and told him that key was pregnant but she said don't say nothing let key tell him

Woddy was so confused all he knew everything was fine last night but key been feeling bad every since I don't know what's wrong

Maybe she needs some soup he thought nah maybe I need to run her a bath

Woddy texted Keyshawn

Woddy: baby you good ?

Key: Yes I'm okay where are you?

Woddy: at the hotel what's wrong I seen you been sick 🤮 anything I can do to help?

Key: yeah we can start planning our babyshower soon

Woddy was shocked at what she said

Woddy: what you mean key? Are you pregnant?

Key: Yes I am I found out this morning

Woddy: omg key baby imma be a father !! I am nervous but I promise to be there through everything damn baby I love you so much

Key: I was nervous to tell you

Woddy: why ? You are my wife now until we say I dos we are expanding our Lil family and im happy
Now come on back so we can cuddle and I can rub your tummy 😘

Key: okay baby I'll be there

Keyshawn made it back to the hotel room,woddy bathe her , gave her some food and cuddled up with her on the bed

Woddy thought I can't wait to be a father

You're Mines Forever Series 1Where stories live. Discover now