"Please! Don't hit me!"

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-Bayla's POV-
I woke up to someone shaking me, immediately I jump up and grab the hand of the person, while giving them a menacing look on my face "Hey it's just me!" I hear Simon yell once my eyes clear I let go of him "I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready, if your hungry" he said smiling, and he started to walk away, and I don't know why but I quickly grabbed my cloths which was a pair of jeans and a jumper and some boots, jumped out of bed and ran in front of him and put my hand on his chest.

-Simon's POV-
As I was about to walk downstairs to think about what me and Bayla could do together (get your mind out of the gutter lol) she runs up in front of me and places her hand on my chest, which kind of surprised me seeings as just yesterday she wouldn't go near me let alone touch me "What is it?" I asked hoping that she'll say something, but instead she grabs my shoulders and sits me on Tora's bed "Do you want me to wait for you?" I asked and she nodded with a smile "Ok I'll wait for you" I say giving her hand a gentle squeeze, she quickly pulled away and started heading into the bathroom "I'm sorry if I scared you" I said staring at her back, she turned slowly and walked over to me and gave me a small and short hug as if to tell it ok and that I shouldn't feel sorry, when the hug is over and she's just standing in front of me I caress her cheek "You should get dressed" I said softly and she smiles picking up the clothes that I hadn't even realized were on the ground and walked into the bathroom. I immediately laid on my back thinking about her. Well I definitely have a crush on her, I thought to myself. I hear the creaking of the bathroom door opening, and I looked up to see her in a pair of jeans, a jumper, and some rain boots, with her hair all brushed out and beautiful "I'll admit you look really pretty" I said to her while getting up and walking over to her and escorting her down the stairs and into the kitchen, and we ate breakfast "Hey Bayla, I was wondering if you would like to explore the forest with me?" I asked her and she nodded her head with a smile, as we were about to walk out Chrissy came up to us "Bayla, are you a princess?" She asked and Bayla shook her head "You are to me" she said and put a flower crown on her head and Bayla kissed Chrissy's little cheek as a thank you, and Chrissy ran away giggling, as Bayla gets up I grab her hand and hold it in mine, she looks at me and kisses my cheek, her lips are so soft, I thought to myself while blushing "C'mon lets go" I say as she smiles with a small blush on her cheeks. We walk for hours just enjoying the environment, and sometimes she would hug me or smile at me, without me even noticing, it became dark "I think we should head back" I said to her, and she had a slight frown "Hey don't be upset, we can always do this again tomorrow" I said smiling, but suddenly feeling nervous "Can I kiss your cheek?" I ask her and she nods, lean my head down and slowly kiss her cheek while holding her waste "Are you still scared of me?" I asked once we were on the porch and she shook her head to say no and I smiled. As we walked into the house my dad ran up to us "WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, before I can answer he says angrily "I'm going to talk to you two individually" and he grabs her arm and leads her into his study, and she looks terrified.

-Bayla's POV-

As Mr.Brown drags me to his study I start feeling scared, he lets me go and tells me to sit down, so I sit in Evangeline's chair. And all he does is yell at me to talk to him and explain, next thing I know he is raising his hand, and without thinking, I start to scream "PLEASE!! DON'T HIT ME!!" I scream at the top of my lungs, while Mr.Brown looks at me with a both horrified and pained expression.

-Simon's POV-

I was sitting with Mum in the dining room, while Bayla was with my dad in his study, and my siblings were in the living room. All of a sudden I heard a shrill scream, that I don't know the owner of "PLEASE!! DON'T HIT ME!!" It screamed and I then knew it was Bayla, I immediately ran to my dads study to see her curled into a ball on mums chair while papa looks both shocked and hurt "Why would I hit you?" He asked as the rest of the family stands behind me and mum "That's what daddy did when I did something wrong, and he liked leaving bruises" she said shaking, not looking up. I ran in front of her and put my hand on her hand and used the other to lift up her chin "No one will ever hurt you again, not with me around" I said giving her a weak smile as tears run down her face "I don't think you can save me from myself" she says, and immediately know exactly what she means, she cuts herself. "You cut?" I ask a tear running down my face "Yes," she says "And all I want to do is die so I don't have to deal with the scars on my heart" she says as she sobs, nobody as sweet and kind as her should have to go through that.

Battle Scars                        (Simon Brown love story/ Nanny McPhee fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now