🩸 1 - Cruelty 🩸

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Akane ran through the snowy woods on the mountain he lived in. He carried his bloodied sister, Nene on his back.

"No, no, no, this can't happening! No!" Akane cried out, "Please hold on! Don't die on me, Onee-San!!"

How did this happen? Let's rewind a little.

Akane scooped up a basket filled to the brim with charcoal and strapped it across his back. The strong scent of charcoal filled his nose. Akane's mother, Kie, walked up to him.

"Darling, there's soot all over your face." Kie said.

Kie reached into the pocket of her kimono and pulled out a worn out handkerchief. She brought it to Akane's face and wiped the soot off. 

"Akane, you don't have to do this. The weather is dangerous." Kie said.

"It's fine, Mom. We're running low on food, so we need to buy more. It's almost New Year's after all." Akane replied.

Kie smiled at Akane, admiring the wonderful boy that he'd grown to be. 

The sound of two children excitedly running in the snow broke the wave of silence. Two of Akane's younger siblings, Shigeru and Hanako, were running towards the two.

"Are you going to town, Akane?" Hanako asked.

"I wanna come with you!" Shigeru exclaimed.

"No. The weather is dangerous and you both know that Akane walks faster than you two. He doesn't have the time to push you two around in the cart, either." Kie said.

"Awww. Okay." Shigeru and Hanako sighed.

"Don't worry you two, you'll have my full attention when I get back." Akane reassured.

"Really? Yay!" Hanako cheered.

"Yay!" Shigeru cheered.

In the corner of Akane's eyes, he saw his brother, Takeo, peering at them from behind the house. Eventually, Takeo ran over, too. Akane suddenly remembered that he needed to cut firewood, he decided to ask Takeo to do it for him.

"Hey, Takeo. Could you cut some firewood for me before I get back?" Akane asked.

"Sure. Though, I was kind of hoping we could do it together.." Takeo admitted embarrassingly.

"Oh, well, maybe have Shigeru help you." 

"I can do that."

"Hmph! I don't want to help Take cut firewood! It sounds really boring!" Shigeru exclaimed.

The family erupted into laughter at Shigeru's exclamation. When the laughter died down, Akane said his goodbyes and walked off.

When he was about to leave, his adopted little sister, Nene, walked up to him with his little brother, Rokuta, on her back.

"Hi, Akane-Kun." Nene greeted.

Nene was adopted by the Aois when they found her on the side of the road a while back. She was weak and hungry, so they took her in. Eventually, Nene became a part of their family, so now she's practically one of them. She wore her cream-coloured hair down so her bangs framed her face.

"Hey, Nene-Chan." Akane replied.

"Hey. Thank goodness I got Rokuta to sleep. He would've thrown a fit if he knew you were leaving. You've always been a role model to everyone since your father passed away." Nene said.

"No need to call him my father, you're one of us now, Nene."

"Thanks, Akane-Kun. Anyways, good luck when you go to town."

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