Chapter 33

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"Thank you so much again, your majesty," Mirae bows, as does Jiji, to properly thank Chan.

"I'm just glad Jiji is doing much better," Chan turns to Jiji, "We might have to ask you to come back again in the future, just to do some check ups."

Jiji nods.
"Thank you," she says, before leaving the castle alongside Mirae.

Chan closes the castle doors and turns to see Felix playing with Taehyuck. 'Playing' in this case would be Felix using his powers to make Taehyuck fly and dropping him from time to time.

"Felix, be careful with him," Chan says.

"Relax, Hyung, he's having fun. Right, Taehyuck?"

Taehyuck is having too much fun flying that his answer is basically the amount of giggling he's doing.

Chan sighs.
"You're a menace."

Felix giggles and slowly brings Taehyuck back down to the floor.

"Again! Again!" Taehyuck shouts.

"Maybe later, Taehyuck," says Chan, kneeling down to his level, "Would you like something to eat?"

Taehyuck ponders for a bit before saying: "Tea egg?"

"We can get you that," says Felix.

Chan, Felix and Taehyuck all entre the dining room. Felix sits Taehyuck down somewhere while Chan asks one of the chefs to cook a tea egg.

"This table is big!" Taehyuck exclaims.

"Well there is a lot of us here and we have guests come over sometimes, like you," Felix explains with a smile.

Chan comes back and sits with the two.

"So, Taehyuck, when does your mother come back?" Chan asks.

"I don't know. I'm not good with time, " Taehyuck says a bit sadly.

"That's okay, " Chan says, letting out a soft chuckle. "I just hope she remembers that she left you here."

"My mama is very smart," Taehyuck says proudly, "She'll remember."

"I'm sure she will," says Felix.

"Where are the other rulers?" Tae asks.

"They're probably really busy," says Chan, "I'm sure you'll see them again at some point."

The chef comes out with the tea egg and places it on the table in front of Chan. Felix and Chan thank the chef before they leave.

"Here you go," Chan says, moving the plate in front of Taehyuck.

Taehyuck thanks him and takes a bite out of the egg.

"It's good!" says Tae.

"I'm glad you like it."

"If you want, we can have a billion tea eggs made just for you," Felix says jokingly.

"A billion!?"

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