"Horror File 69; The Mystery of Lucy"

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A young woman, LUCY (22), pulls up to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. She exits her car and approaches the front door.

(to herself)
Okay, this is it. Just get in, find the evidence, and get out.

Lucy takes a deep breath and opens the door. The house is dark and eerily silent.

Hello? Is anyone there?

No response.

(muttering to herself)
I must be crazy for doing this.

Lucy slowly makes her way through the house, searching for evidence of a supernatural entity. As she approaches the back of the house, she hears strange noises coming from upstairs.

What the hell was that?

Lucy cautiously climbs the stairs, her heart racing with fear. She enters a room, and her eyes widen in terror. There, written on the wall in blood, is the number "69."

(to herself)
Oh my god, what the hell is going on here?

Suddenly, Lucy hears footsteps behind her. She turns around and sees a figure standing in the doorway.

Who are you?!

The figure lunges towards Lucy, and she begins to run for her life. She hears the figure chasing her through the house, and she knows she has to find a way out.

Lucy bursts through the front door, but the figure is right behind her. She turns to face it, and sees that it's a ghostly figure with the number "69" carved into its forehead.

(scared out of her mind)
What do you want from me?

The ghostly figure just stares at her, and suddenly Lucy feels a searing pain in her chest. She falls to the ground, gasping for breath.

(struggling to speak)
What...what did you do to me?

The ghostly figure leans over Lucy, and in a deep, ominous voice, it says:

(at 6:09 pm)
Your soul.

Lucy takes her last breath and dies.

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