England's Offer

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Iceland sighed as he gazed out over the sea from where he sat on the beach. The Aurora Borealis danced over head and he had to admit, they were simply stunning. Iceland often came here to witness them, though tonight he came just to think and had seen the phenomenon by chance.

It had been years since the incident, yet it lingered on the edge of his mind. Iceland had not told anyone, not Norway, not Finland, nobody. He wasn't ready. The lights above seemed to sing a song of comfort and cheerfulness, yet the song felt sad and lonely almost.

Sighing once more, the teen glanced up and noticed a dark shape coming towards him. As it got closer, it turned out to be a bird of some sorts. From what knowledge he had on bird species, Iceland assumed it was an owl. But what was it doing here?

The owl, which had feathers the colour of snow, landed in front of the silver haired boy, albeit clumsily. In it's talons, it appeared to be holding a letter addressed to Emil Steilsson .

Iceland gingerly took the letter and rooted through his pockets for a treat. After finding one and giving it to the owl, the bird took off and left Iceland alone again. From the light given off by the stars, moon and his small lantern, he could just about read what it said.


How are you doing? It's been a while since we last talked, yes? How is Lukas? We had a minor incident and I would like to know if Lukas recovered fully.

Emil scowled. The letter, presumably from England, was likely just asking about Norway.

"Ugh, why not just send a damn letter to B- Norway if he wanted to know." He muttered. What he did not know, is that this one letter would hold something that would change the next seven years of his long life.

Ah, I should cease my rambling. Emil, have you seen, heard or done anything odd that you couldn't explain? Aside from having basically immortality and fast healing, of course.

Iceland subconsciously nodded. Apart from that incident, there had been several times where he had either not burned something, appeared on the lakeside when the ice he skated on broke and plenty of times when his window was opened when he was grounded in his room. Not to mention the magical creatures he often saw around the British Isles, Norway and Romania.

It's magic, my dear boy. You may not believe it, but yes, you have some magic capabilities. I only contact you now as Lukas just told me last week about several ice skating accidents. He appears quite proud about that fact actually. The magic, I mean, not the fact you were skating with no skates and on thin ice with a fat puffin

Now, Emil, I am making you an offer. You come to the magic school in Britain. It's called Hogwarts and it is possibly the best school of magic in Europe or even the world! If you do happen to decline, Lukas is going to insist for you to go to Durmstrang, his school. The frog also has a school, but he doesn't know about it.

If you accept, please send a letter to me via Lukas with a day you are free. Do not worry, I can get either Fionn, Dylan or Alistair to take care of any paper work you may have. I'm sure Diarmaid would also lend a hand.

Reply soon.


Iceland stared at the letter flabbergasted. It can't be true, he thought, this has to be some sort of mistake! But it was very real and it was very true. He, Iceland, Emil, whichever, had been offered a chance to experience magic at one of the finest magic schools.

This was only the beginning.

A/N. Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my first official story on Wattpad, so I hope you guys did enjoy. Leave a comment in the box below on how you think I did! Also, if you see a spammer(spelling and grammer) mistake, point it out and I will gladly fix it!


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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